Shinra Kusakabe Vs Katsuki Bakugou

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(Fire Force Vs My Hero Academia)

- Both have flame powers that shoot out from their limbs

- Both want to be heros

- Both can be abrasive/rude

Shinra Kusakabe


Pyrokinesis : As a child, Shinra awakened the ability of a Third Generation and gained the ability to ignite, control, and utilize flames from his feet. While doing so, he leaves ashes on the floor in the shape of feet, which are known as the "Devil's Footprints". As a Third Generation, he has shown to have resistance against external flames. Using his ability in conjunction with his fighting style, Shinra has enough force in his kick to sever a limb or destroy an Infernal's core. With his kicks, he can cause an explosion on contact to lift an object as heavy as a car high into the air. With his ignited feet, he can change the trajectory of his kicks in mid-air, allowing him to rush in with a flurry of kicks one after another repeatedly. Shinra is noted to have an excelled proficiency in his mobility while fighting, as his Ignition Ability allows him to use the fire jets from his feet to fly through the air, glide across the floor rapidly, and jump continuously from platforms to outmaneuver an opponent before they can react. He controls his trajectory with his toes and he will fly out of control if he scrunches them up.

Immense Speed : Shinra’s ignition ability grants him massively increased speed, allowing him to move at speeds comparable to a jet plane and outmaneuver his opponents with relative ease. When using Rapid, His speed grow exponentially, allowing him to move at approximately Mach 12, instantly attack and subdue his enemies, and overwhelm them with instantaneous attacks. Since Shinra is the Pillar of Rage, his corresponding emotion can give him a massive boost in power, showcased when he moved hundreds of times faster then the eye can see and completely overwhelmed Giovanni when the latter angered him with the news of his brother’s unresponsive state.

Hand Signs/Seals : Shinra was taught by Captain Benimaru how to utilize hand signs/seals in order to redirect and concentrate the energy in his body. This allows him to manipulate the characteristics of the flames he produces from his Ignition Ability.

Tora Hishigi - A hand sign/seal used for directing focus and power to his feet; when he does this, he can compress his flames into a focused jet, as opposed to how his flames normally spread out in every useless direction. This allows Shinra to use Rapid, giving him an exponential boost in speed and allowing him to fly farther and faster while using up less of his fire.

Corna - When Shinra uses this hand seal, his flames manifest in an explosive nature, allowing him to attack with a lot more force.

Hysterical Strength : Shinra has the ability to use Hysterical Strength, an ability that gives him 100% usage of his Ignition Ability, whereas only 30% is usually used. Shinra achieves Hysterical Strength by experiencing the "Pressure of Death", a death-like sensation brought about by significant stress, triggering his survival instincts. When Hysterical Strength is active, his flames turn blue due to their intensity and higher temperature. His flames also form a more controlled claw-shape.

Adora Burst : Having the Adolla Burst, Shinra can be temporarily empowered with the Adolla Grace through an Adolla Link to a person who originates from Adolla, or someone who is already graced. The connection with his Adolla Burst is strengthened according to the intensity of his desire. Under Grace, Shinra can enter a state of light speed, causing his body to split into subatomic particles in the process. The particles then surpass the speed of light, allowing them to go a few seconds back in time to the point before Shinra's body broke apart. As a result, Shinra's body is re-materialized. Doing so enables him to circumvent the laws of physics and allow him to travel at relativistic speeds without ending up dead. Under such state, Shinra could enter Shō's Severed Universe, see images of Tempe's past in his head, and accumulate enough strength to defeat the Demon Infernal in only one second. By following the Newton’s second law of motion, Shinra’s mass begins to increase as he moves at the speed of light, however, since he can break his body apart when moving at the maximum speed of the universe, his mass doesn’t affect his speed. Since speed is mass times acceleration, the faster he goes the stronger the impact of his attacks, and since his mass becomes infinite, the impact of his strikes allow him to commit astonishing feats. These feats include instantly killing a titanic infernal and completely destroy Tempe in less than a second, causing a massive explosion both times comparable to a nuclear device. When activating Light Speed for the first time, he could even trade blows with his incredibly powerful brother, and completely negate his time manipulation.

Katsuki Bakugou


Explosion : Katsuki's Quirk allows him to secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from the palms of his hands and ignite it on command, allowing him to create strong explosions. The more Katsuki sweats, the stronger his explosions become. If Katsuki overuses this power, his forearms will start to ache. Katsuki has a strong grasp on the applications of his Quirk, something that was acknowledged by Best Jeanist, a top Pro Hero; not only can Katsuki use the explosions for attacking, he can also use them to propel himself and navigate through the air at high speeds, allowing him to fly at his opponents without giving them time to react, as well as evade incoming attacks, even while in the air. The shockwave from an explosion can even be used as a shield. Katsuki can keep up his explosions continuously, long enough to break through Eijiro's hardening Quirk and negate Shoto's "Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall" for a short while before being overwhelmed. As part of his training, Katsuki submerged his hands into boiling water to expand his sweat glands, then created chain explosions toward the sky to increase the scale of his attacks.

Super moves

Explosive Speed : throws his hands back and uses explosions to propel himself. He uses this both on the ground to increase his speed and through the air to achieve a pseudo form of flight. He first used this technique on the ground during the Quirk Apprehension Test. The first time he used it to fly was during the Obstacle Race.

Stun Grenade : Katsuki starts by creating a sphere of light between his hands that explodes into a large scale flash. Similar to the effect of an actual stun grenade, the flash of light blinds anyone close by. He first used this technique to defeat Fumikage Tokoyami.

Zero Distance Stun Grenade : A variation where Katsuki fires off his Stun Grenade at point-blank range of the opponent to immediately stun and immobilize them with little lasting damage. This variation was first used against Setsuna in the fourth round of the Joint Training Battle.

Howitzer Impact : This move is the strongest move in Katsuki's arsenal, which involves Katsuki taking to the air, and then using explosions to propel himself in a circular motion to create a tornado. This tornado builds up oxygen to fuel the incoming explosion. After colliding with the target, Katsuki releases the powerful aforementioned explosion. Present Mic compared the effectiveness of the technique to that of an actual missile. Katsuki first used Howitzer Impact in the final match of the U.A. Sports Festival Finals. He has also shown that he can release the fueled explosion in midair, without having to make contact with the target.

AP Shot : Katsuki stretches out one of his hands and uses his other hand to form a circle on the palm of his outstretched hand. Katsuki then fires an explosion through the circle, which creates a concentrated blast beam. By focusing the path of his explosions into a single point instead of around his whole palm, Katsuki creates a concentrated blast with reduced area of impact, but with enough power to successfully pierce solid concrete.

AP Shot: Auto-Cannon : A rapid-fire version of his AP Shot Technique. The explosion power is reduced in order to avoid dealing severe damage to human targets. This variation was first used against Seiji Shishikura in the first stage of the Provisional Hero License Exam.

AP Machine-Gun : A stronger version of his AP Shot: Auto-Cannon where Katsuki fires larger, rapid-fire explosions. This technique was first used against Tomura in the Paranormal Liberation War Arc.

Explode-A-Pult : While in mid-air, Katsuki grabs an opponent with one of his arms, then propels himself in a spinning motion by firing explosions with his free arm. Once he gains enough momentum, Katsuki forcefully throws his opponent with the aid of another explosion. He first used this technique against Togaru Kamakiri in the fourth round of the Joint Training Battle.

Who am I rooting for: Shinra Kusakabe

Who do I think will win: I'm actually not too sure but I would bet on Shinra

I'm pretty sure it's obvious when you look at it but yes I did not write all this out with the exception of a few things. There was no way I'm writing all of their skills, I just took all this from the wiki and copied and pasted it. Anyway you can tell me in the comments if you would enjoy this as a fight or who you think would win. If I missed a point at the top you can tell me and ill add it but anyway as always goodbye.b

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