Garou Vs Raoh

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(One Punch Man Vs Fist Of the North Star)

- Both can copy peoples techniques by just looking at it being shown to them

- Both are master master martial artists



Immense Strength: Garou's strength is superhuman and on the level of an S-Class hero, he is capable of defeating A-Class heroes with little to no effort. He was able to rip Blue Fire's arm off and break Heavy Tank Loincloth's arm without difficulty, knocking him out with a single strike. He was also able to heavily injure Tanktop Master, an S-Class hero, with a barrage of strikes and defeat him after getting serious. He has shown able to knock out a grown man with a casual fillip to the face, pushing him back with enough force to also incapacitate another one right behind the first. Even in his weakened state, Garou was still able to defeat a group of A and B-Class heroes with either a short barrage of punches or a single strike.

Immense Durability: Garou is very resilient. He was able to take multiple attacks from Tanktop Master and remain standing, despite coughing up a lot of blood. Even when he was severely injured by Watchdog Man and later Saitama, he was still able to combat the group of A and B-Class heroes and tough out the pain. Even Shooter's poison arrows and the bullet hole in his leg from Gun Gun didn't slow him down, as noted by Glasses. He also survived an assault from two Demon-level monsters: Royal Ripper and Bug God, though he was put in a near-death state.

Immense Speed and Reflexes: Garou possesses an extreme amount of speed and reflexes, far surpassing that of average heroes. He was able to effortlessly dodge a fire-based attack from Blue Fire and rip his arm off before the hero could even realize what happened. He also managed to react to and dodge, albeit barely, a point-blank bullet from Golden Ball despite being caught by surprise, as well as being able to quickly dodge a vast amount of the latter's bullets from multiple directions and redirect them into each other at the same time without difficulty after adapting to the dim-light environment. His amazing speed was once again shown when he was able to easily dodge and deflect all attacks from the S-Class hero Metal Bat, even moving faster than the latter could see. Even in his weakened state, Garou was still fast enough to outmaneuver the group of A and B-Class heroes and keep up with S-Class hero, Genos, in their fight.

Immense Stamina and Endurance: Garou possesses inhuman pain tolerance. He is able to continue fighting after suffering injuries which would incapacitate normal people, such as a beat-down from Tanktop Master, or when Spring Mustachio's sword stabs through his hand, without him so much as flinching. Moreover, after being weakened by multiple fights from the day before and suffering a fever, he managed to continue fighting multiple heroes at once and, in fact, defeated all of them using smart tactics and enduring all of the continuous pain. Even when being battered to a bloody pulp by both Bang and Bomb, arguably the two most powerful martial artists on the planet, slipping in and out of consciousness, and losing feeling in his arms, he was still able to persevere and create tremors in the ground, uproot a tree, and spin it at amazing speeds, to the utter shock of both Bang and Bomb.

Enhanced Senses: Garou is able to sense the trajectory of bullets from Golden Ball's Golden Breakout, even in the dark. He can predict the movements of Metal Bat's Savage Tornado attack. He is also able to sense that people are watching him, as he realizes he is being watched by two monsters despite being engaged in battle against Metal Bat at the time, as well as being able to sense killing intent very clearly. Moreover, he dodged Chain'n'toad's Ear Cutter, despite coming from a blind spot, just by instinct. It is also shown that his sense is sharp enough to enable him to deflect a barrage of shots from a Gatling gun flawlessly without letting a single shot hit him.

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