Ban Vs Beelzebumon

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(Seven Deadly Sins Vs Digimon)

- Both represent one of the seven deadly sins

- Both had people close to them Die
(Although Beelzebumon was the one who killed them unlike ban)

- Both of them are apart of a group made up of the seven deadly sins



Three-section staff: During his time as a bandit, Ban wielded a power-imbued three-section staff, a flail weapon consisting of three wooden or metal staffs connected by chain or rope. He was considerably formidable in using it, and could use it in conjunction with his 'Snatch' ability to 'grab' objects like the cup of the Fountain of Youth. The weapon itself was powerful enough to be able to rip out one of the hearts of a demon, and was capable of crushing flesh as well as breaking bones and nails. It was replaced with Courechouse when he became a member of the Sins but was used again after he lost Courechouse.

Courechouse: As a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, Ban possessed a Sacred Treasure, which was stolen during his imprisonment by the Weird Fangs. Later, it is returned to him by Merlin during the fight against an Indura. It has the ability to lengthen and distort its chain angle, allowing the wielder to attack from any angle at any opponent over a significant distance. Its special ability is Super Concentration, which pushes Ban's physical and mental capabilities to their limit.


Snatch: An ability that allows Ban to "rob" physical objects, thus grabbing them, and also the physical abilities of others, weakening them while gaining more strength and speed. However, there is a limit to how much strength Ban can rob from a person, in order to not damage himself with overwhelming power. Using a form of Snatch, Ban is also able to steal body parts from his opponents such as a heart or an arm in the blink of an eye.

Physical Hunt: A characteristic technique of Ban's magic that allows him to temporarily steal all of his opponents physical abilities, including both their strength and speed. These abilities are added to his own.

Fox Hunt: A technique best used in conjunction with a far-reaching weapon. Boasting pinpoint accuracy, the technique allows Ban to swiftly grab hold of an object and pull it towards himself, seemingly bypassing any obstructions.

Banishing Kill: Ban uses his power to pull himself over a distance, delivering a near instantaneous and fatal slash to his opponent as he is propelled across from them.

Assault Hunt: A powerful but savage attack where Ban is thrust forward, beheading any caught in his path. This technique allows him to dispose of a large group of enemies in a single assault.

Hunter Fest: A technique that allows Ban to steal the physical strength of every living creature within a hundred foot radius of himself. However, as noted by Melascula, there is a limit to how much strength Ban can rob a person from, as seen in his encounter with Galand. Once the limit is reached, Ban is incapable of robbing the person of more power as it puts his own body in danger.  After using Hunter Fest to its limit, Ban becomes heavily fatigued to the point that he is incapable of fulfilling the simplest of tasks such as walking.

Zero Sign: A technique that somehow makes Ban invisible and undetectable, making it easy to sneak up on enemies. Effective enough that Monspiet who was able to sense people watching him through a crystal ball hundreds of meters away was still unable to sense Ban when using this ability.

Gift: An ability learned through Ban's power being stolen repeatedly by The Demon King . It allows Ban to give or "gift" his life force to others, healing wounds and other injuries. He was even able to revive Elaine from death by sacrificing his immortality.



Darkness Claw: Raises a claw overhead and then cuts the opponent to pieces.

Double Impact: Rapid-fires the Berenjena.

Quick Shot: Rapid-fires using the Berenjena.

Heartbreak Shot: Fires a shot aimed at the opponent's heart.

Claw: Swipes with its claws.

Behemoth: Summons Behemoth and drives into the enemy.

Berejena: Fires its Berenjena shotguns.

Corona Destroyer (Chaos Flare): Draws an inverted pentagram with his cannon and fires energy blasts through it creating a giant continuous beam as long he keeps firing

Fist of the Beast King: He can used it in his blast form after absorbing Leomon only when he was trying to rescue Jeri from the D-Reaper, after his cannons were destroyed by D-Reaper later on.

Primal Orb: Beelzemon is able to use his attack, which conceals his enemies in inescapable bubbles by copying Makuramon's data.

Behemoth x Deathslinger (Behemoth×Death Slinger): Rapid-fires the Berenjena while doing donuts with the Behemoth, then finishes with a destructive wave from the Blaster


Blast Mode: It is an ultimate Demon Lord that raised its power and spirit to their utmost limits. Instead of evolving in wickedness, it maintained a calmer mental state, and its three, once-baleful red eyes have become green. It commonly demonstrates incomparable power and speed, and four jet-black wings are growing from its back. You can almost say that before the Beelzemon that took on this figure, the opponent no longer exists. Its right arm is integrated with its Blaster, and fires powerful energy waves to disintegrate everything into atoms.

Who am I rooting for: Beelzebumon

Who do I think will win: Ban, I mean snatch is pretty op to be honest in versus matches

I'm pretty sure it's obvious when you look at it but yes I did not write all this out with the exception of a few things. There was no way I'm writing all of their skills, I just took all this from the wiki and copied and pasted it. Anyway you can tell me in the comments if you would enjoy this as a fight or who you think would win. If I missed a point at the top you can tell me and ill add it but anyway as always goodbye.

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