Eleven Vs Ness

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(Stranger Things Vs Mother)

- Both are strong psychic users



Psychic abilities

Eleven was born with a vast array of preternatural abilities, acquired through a combination of inheritance and exposure to hallucinogenic drugs while in utero during her mother's time as an MKUltra test subject. These abilities were the reason she was abducted at birth and raised at Hawkins National Laboratory, where she was experimented on.

The effect of the subsequent direct experimentation on Eleven and her powers is unclear. It is possible that her powers laid dormant and could only be unearthed through further experimentation. However, it is also possible that Eleven had access to these powers at birth, but merely gained understanding and experience of them during her time in the laboratory. As her mother displays similar psychic powers, it is possible the experimentation on her mother during her pregnancy augmented her powers or she simply naturally developed stronger abilities.

Initially, exercising her abilities to accomplish small tasks was shown to be rather difficult for her. However, with practice, Eleven was able to accomplish greater and greater feats. Nearly a year after the events of November 1983, Eleven became able to use her telekinetic and telepathic powers far more easily and without as much effort and concentration, easily closing doors, lifting objects, and entering her mental void by simply placing a blindfold on and using the white noise from a television.

Her abilities are somewhat linked to her emotional state, being at their strongest when influenced by her anger and fear. Being in distressing situations would occasionally cause Eleven to unleash her powers involuntarily. This was most likely how Eleven had opened the Gate: her fear of witnessing the Demogorgon possibly magnifying her powers to the point where she was able to open an interdimensional portal. This was also observed in "The Flea and the Acrobat" when she unintentionally flung Lucas across the junkyard during his fight with Mike. In "Will the Wise", following an intense argument with Hopper, Eleven had a "psychic tantrum", causing her to violently break all of the cabin’s windows. With help from Kali, Eleven learned to harness her anger at will, allowing better control over her powers. She would go on to use this knowledge to aid herself while closing the Gate.

Using her powers takes a physical toll on her body. When using her powers to perform more menial tasks, Eleven usually only suffers from nosebleeds. Based on how her powers are executed, it is likely the source of this blood is actually her brain. When accomplishing more daunting tasks, however, she would become physically exhausted, often to the point where she'd be unable to walk. Her most extreme acts caused bruising on her face, her eyes to become bloodshot, her ears to bleed, and occasionally even unconsciousness. However, if Eleven was sufficiently satiated, this physical toll could be alleviated. Eventually, Eleven’s body had grown accustomed to the recurrent use of her powers, being able to go longer durations without succumbing to complete exhaustion.

Eleven's powers would occasionally affect the nearby electricity; when attempting psychic communication, nearby lights would sometimes flicker or even go out entirely. The Demogorgon, while traveling between dimensions, had remarkably similar effects on nearby electricity, suggesting her abilities may also cause distortion of the electromagnetic field.

After the battle against the Mind Flayer, Eleven's abilities seemed to vanish. According to Dr. Brenner, power overused led to a blood vessel in her brain to burst, causing a stroke. While strokes in ordinary people can cause cognitive and paralysis issues, for Eleven, the stroke caused the "signals" in her brain to become too scrambled for her psychic abilities to work. Through intensive immersion therapy, which also unlocked prior memories, Eleven began to regain her former power of telekinesis, but has yet to display the use of her other abilities.

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