The Punisher Vs Judge Dredd

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(Marvel Comics Vs Rebellion Developments)

- Both are willing to kill criminals to bring them to justice

The Punisher


Punisher's Equipment: In the vast majority of cases, Castle utilizes a wide variety of modern military equipment that is specifically curtailed to each situation as needed, although he has also been shown to be highly adaptable and make the most of whatever may be at his current disposal

Punisher's Clothing: Castle most often chooses not to wear any sort of costume beyond a black shirt with a white skull splashed across the front. His other clothing, which normally includes combat boots, blazers, leather jackets, trench coats, bulletproof vests, body armor, black battle dress uniforms and camouflaged outfits, are worn for the sake of protection or subterfuge in urban and wilderness environments. His body armor protects him from most gunfire, though he can still suffer concussive injury or penetration from sufficiently powerful or repeated impacts. In regard to his earlier costumes, each tooth of the skull on his chest was actually a spare magazine for one of his firearms.

Punisher's Battle Van: Castle has utilized a number of vehicles, both standard and customized, as a means of transport, refuge, and supply storage, most commonly gravitating toward large vans that can hold a great deal of firearms and ammunition, as well as be used as a ramming device.

Punisher's Arsenal: Castle employs a truly expansive array of conventional firearms and weaponry, including machine guns, rifles, shotguns, handguns, knives and explosives, a great many of which have been culled from both common and organized criminals, as well as military sources during his operations. He often customizes these weapons for greater effectiveness, with both standard and custom attachments including magnified optics, reflex sights, night vision scopes, flashlights, grenade launchers, sound and flash suppressors, bipods/tripods, drums and high-capacity/extended magazines, including non-standard types of ammunition such as hollow-point or armor-piercing bullets. His secret armory locations house everything from common guns and ammunition to modernized blowguns capable of piercing 15-layer Kevlar vests, light anti-tank weapons, explosives of various types, and even crossbows, which can offer a combination of silence and precision. After joining the Hand, Castle began learning how to use the Hand's traditional weapons, including a katana and shuriken.


Maximum Human Conditioning: The Punisher is in peak physical condition. Through his rigorous training & exercise regimes, he developed levels of strength, speed, endurance, reflexes, healing, longevity, metabolism and immune system efficiency near the absolute limits of human capability.

Peak Human Endurance: Castle's endurance is unbelievably high. He frequently performs surgery on himself without pain medication.

Peak Human Durability: Castle's durability is unbelievably high. He was hit by Black Widow, a Russian super-soldier, and Captain America so strongly that it passed through a thick wall and is shown only with minor wounds.

Master Martial Artist: Castle is a thoroughly seasoned veteran in multiple forms of armed and unarmed combat. Specifically, he is highly adept in American-style CQC (close-quarters combat), Muay Thai, Krav Maga, Systema, ninjutsu, Shorin-ryu Karate, Hwa Rang Do, Chin Na and Nash Ryu Jujutsu, his style of choice being the latter.

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