Atom Eve Vs Gwen Tennyson

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(Invincible Vs Ben 10)

- Both use pink energy superpowers

- Both are the girlfriends of black haired alien boys

Atom Eve


Subatomic Manipulation: Atom Eve is able to sense and manipulate matter and energy at the sub-atomic level by sheer willpower. Organic and inorganic matter can be changed into anything she desires. Due to her vast matter manipulating powers, she can affectively alter reality at her whim, enabling her to change her environment to suit her needs, create and destroy objects, and various other incredible feats. Her costume is easily created by altering her clothes to fashion her Atom Eve suit

Flight: She can also fly by lowering the density of the air around her as well as creating force fields.

Force Field: With her transmutation powers, Eve can create force fields.

Telekinesis: By using her matter manipulating powers, She is able to levitate, propel and manipulate objects and matter with the energy of her thoughts.

Energy Blasts: She has learned to channel her transmutation powers into powerful energy blasts capable of affecting matter with concussive and/or explosive force.

Energy Construct Creation: With her transmutation powers, Eve can make several weapons.

Elemental Control: By using her ability to manipulate matter on a sub-atomic level, She is able to summon and control the elemental forces of nature.

Immortality: Eve's powers cause her to regenerate from fatal injuries due to the trauma helping her temporarily overcome the mental blocks that prevent her form affecting organic matter. Also, whenever Eve dies of old age, she immediately resurrects and de-ages to her prime.

Gwen Tennyson


Energy Manipulation and Energy Control: In the episode What Are Little Girls Made Of?, Gwen's magical powers and abilities are actually revealed to be of alien descent inherited from her grandmother Verdona, a member of a free-spirited alien race of pure energy beings known as Anodites, from the planet Anodyne. Verdona tells Gwen that, like herself, Gwen is also an Anodite; she has "the spark" and thus is able to freely manipulate and control mana, the supernatural Force-like life energy that is present in all living beings throughout the universe. Verdona offered to take Gwen with her to Anodyne and teach her how to master all her powers and abilities (which would require about 75 years), but Gwen prefers to remain on Earth with her boyfriend and her cousin.

Her powers are mainly used like energy constructs, allowing her to make many different types of structures like, platforms, portals, shields, slides, beams, ropes, blasts, chains, cages, safety nets, barriers, bridges and energy bolts. She also possesses a variety of supernatural, magic-related powers and abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, dowsing, healing, clairvoyance, levitation, spell-casting, mental detection, memory control-and-manipulation, energy manipulation, mana manipulation and, time travel (through spells).

In the two-part season two finale War of the Worlds when Kevin's life was threatened by a Highbreed commander, an enraged Gwen unleashes her dormant inner Anodite self for the first time and easily defeats the commander in mere seconds with an exceedingly strong and powerful blast of pure mana energy. Kevin begs her to try to shut it down but she refuses, saying that she thinks she can defeat the entire Highbreed fleet all by herself. Kevin reminds her that her paternal grandmother said that it would take at least seventy-five years for her to fully master all her powers and abilities though Gwen argues that they do not have seventy-five years. Kevin further argues by saying that she will lose her humanity entirely, that she will not remember either him or Ben and assures her that Ben will find another way to win and wants her to come back to him because he cannot bear to lose her. Gwen then reverts back to her human form and embraces Kevin. It's been comfirmed by Dwayne that if she was fully trained, she could easily stop the invasion, it is unknown if she could of without being fully trained.

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