Juzo Honenuki Vs Secco

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(My Hero Academia Vs Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)

- Both have the abilities that allow them to swim through solid rock and dirt

- both of them let their partners do all the work while they control the battlefield with their ability

Juzo Honenuki


Keen Intellect: As one of the recommended students that got into U.A., Juzo is shown to demonstrate a high level of flexibility and intelligence. This was seen during the Joint Training Arc, in which he was capable of analyzing his teammates' flaws and creating an disadvantage for his enemies using his keen observation. By using knowledge of the different fighting styles and Quirks of people, Juzo was able to correctly discern what the opposing team's strategy would be. Noticing Shoto's habit of starting a fight with ice attacks, Juzo was able to use the generated ice to his own advantage and trap Shoto's team in the softened ice.

Bilingualism: Juzo speaks both Japanese and English competently as he could hold a conversation in English with his classmate Pony Tsunotori.

Softening: Juzo's Quirk allows him to soften any non-living thing he touches. For example, he can soften the ground to make it similar to quicksand, hindering movements and mobility. If Juzo makes contact again, he can undo the effect. He is also capable of swimming through softened material



Oasis is a rare breed of Stand that Secco wears like clothing, similar to Ghiaccio's White Album. Oasis' main ability is soften the ground around him, turning it to a mud-like state that objects sink in. Secco must touch the object at all times to keep the effect. This comes useful to create sudden sharp projectiles by flinging/spitting bits of the ground at his foes. Secco can also create shockwaves through slamming the ground or use his stand to melt people on their touch. Secco mainly uses this ability to dig through the ground to stay hidden while moving fast. To sense enemies, he simply uses his hearing to see their locations. This also allows his attacks to hit harder (such as using to rebound arms off surfaces to rapidly fire blows) or increase his own reaction time (such as dodging or deflecting bullets).

Who am I rooting for: Juzo Honenuki

Who do I think will win: I'm not sure but I would bet on Secco

I'm pretty sure it's obvious when you look at it but yes I did not write all this out with the exception of a few things. There was no way I'm writing all of their skills, I just took all this from the wiki and copied and pasted it. Anyway you can tell me in the comments if you would enjoy this as a fight or who you think would win. If I missed a point at the top you can tell me and ill add it but anyway as always goodbye.

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