Spawn Vs Ghost Rider

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(Image Comics Vs Marvel)

- Both we're given powers from hell for vengeance from a powerful entity

- Both turn against person who gave them their powers
(Malebolgia and Mephisto)



K7-Leetha: A symbiotic suit composed of necroplasm which can feed off necroplasm and evils sins. He can project and shapeshift weapons ans shields and gives him ESP senses. He can sense the suffering and sins of people and gives the abilities listed above. It gives him nigh-unbreakable chains that can reach possibly more than 100 feet with relative ease as well as able to turn into razor blades and can also act on their own. His suit also allows him to extend his bracelet's spikes for a surprise attack.

Cape: Spawn possess a cape, which can transport anything into his own personal hell as well as being strong enough to slam the Redeemer.


Superhuman Strength, Speed & Durability: The combination of his Necroplamsically charged body coupled with the K7-Leetha gives Spawn an indeterminate amount of physical ability. He is able to punch through concrete and steel with ease, and lifting extremely heavy objects such as buildings. Due to his incredible durability, Spawn is capable of withstanding immense punishment without injury. He is able to fly at high speeds well in excess of 100 mph.

Regeneration: Spawn is able to heal even the most fatal wound in an instant. He is able to heal after getting incinerated by Anti-Spawn and has healed from continuous stabbed by himself with a huge piece of metal and managed to survive via healing. He is able to heal after getting torn apart. Spawn has regenerated entire holes in his chest, broken arms, missing hearts, and blown out knee caps instantly with the use of his Necroplasm.

Healing: Spawn can heal anyone's injuries and their wounds like the time when he is able to restore a child's entire chest cavity and healed fatal gunshot wound on Twitch. Though if he focuses hard on the healing power, he is capable bringing back a person's life.

Energy Manipulation: Spawn's common range attack as well as his preferred one, he shoots green blast made out of necroplasm which can vary the size of the blast. He can use the blast as movement as well. He can destroy the entire floor across the city and able to absorb all types of energy even the entire energy supply of Hell as well as able to kill vampires. If strong enough, it can melt the gates of Heaven.

Fire Manipulation: Spawn is able to manipulate, create, and breathe hellfire. This hellfire is strong enough to incinerate Violator and combust the human brain. He can blow the entire horde of men with his fire powers.

Hallucikinesis: Spawn's move where he can use illusions and hallucinates the opponent, it can trick them and can only use them if he feels outmatched. He can create figures of himself and show a demonic vision of his own hell and once trick an opponent into killing themselves.

Teleportation: Like most characters, he can teleport which his most overused move. He can move FTL when teleportimg and can go inside the opponent to perform an insta-kill. One time he teleported his heart back to his body.

Intangibility: He can become invisible and can phase through objects in the environment when coming into contact. Somehow he can phase his fist inside the enemy's body.

Time Manipulation: If the battle or a situation goes out of hand, he can freeze time to regain his thoughts and tactics. The range of the time stop move expands the entire world and can make someone young again when he focus it hard enough.

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