Kyojuro Rengoku Vs Mirio Togata

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(Demon Slayer Vs My Hero Academia)

- Both have a huge impact on the main character

- Both are highly regarded amongst their peers

- Both are apart of groups that save people
(Mirio isn't a fully fledged hero yet but you know what I mean)

Kyojuro Rengoku


Standard Nichirin Katana: Kyojuro carries a standard sized and shaped katana made from Nichirin that is a deep shade of reddish-orange in color with the words Destroy Demons engraved on the side. There is also a noticeable flame pattern on each side of his katana with a white handle. Kyojuro's katana's hilt is shaped like a flame with a red core and golden border. He also carries a standard sword sheathe that is white and grey in color.


Immense Strength: As a former Hashira who spent years perfecting his physical prowess, Kyojuro possessed amazing physical strength, being capable of swinging his katana at speeds faster than the eye can see incessantly and terrifying accuracy while engaging in combat. Kyojuro also possessed a caliber of grip strength that was able to hold down Upper Rank 3, Akaza, one of the strongest characters in the series, despite having his Solar Plexus pierced earlier, to the point that Akaza expressed his disbelief and shock over strength he describes as "unbelievable".

Immense Speed & Reflexes: Kyojuro possessed great speed and reflexes that even a trained and gifted Demon Slayer like Tanjiro couldn't perceive or register. Kyojuro could even cause tremors to the ground and nearly launching a train off its tracks by running at speeds faster than the eye can see. His reflexes were so fast that he managed to cut Akaza's hand in half moments before the Upper Rank was going to kill Tanjiro. Kyojuro also managed to keep up with Akaza's high-speed techniques, which even the Hashira remarks is faster than the blink of an eye, sometimes even managing to out-speed him. Inosuke Hashibira himself noted that Kyojuro was in a different dimension due to his blinding attacks and speed. Kyojuro's phenomenal movement speed and reflexes even surprised and impressed Akaza, who openly expressed his amazement over.

Immense Stamina & Endurance: Kyojuro displayed superhuman stamina and endurance during his battles over the course of the series. In his Special One-Shot, Kyojuro ruptured his eardrums on purpose, yet didn't flinch in the slightest, ignoring the pain and continuing to fight. In his Gaiden, he suffered dozens of severe wounds and injuries from the former Lower Rank 2, Hairo, but continued to stall enough time for all the bombs he planted to be disarmed without showing any signs of pain or fatigue, which shocked even Hairo, who questioned himself on whether the person he met in the past was really the same person he was fighting now. Furthermore, his battle against Enmu when he fused with an entire train, he was able to keep him at bay in 5 different train carts without tiring. Lastly, he managed to keep up with his strongest opponent yet, Akaza, despite physically and mentally exert himself beyond his limit and sustaining multiple irreversible and fatal wounds, like a smashed eye, shattered ribs and damaged internal organs. Most impressively, he managed to keep Akaza at bay despite having his vital spot, his Solar Plexus, pierced by the Upper Rank's arm and bleeding out. Despite all of his fatal wounds and injuries, he never once flinched or showed signs of pain or agony.

Tactical Intellect: As a swordsman who came from a lineage of Flame Hashira, Kyojuro had access to generations of combat knowledge and tactics as well as training from previous Flame Hashira, like his father, Shinjuro Rengoku. During the battle against Akaza, he displayed keen judgement. For example, after being attacked by Akaza's Destructive Death: Air Type, he realises that he must fight at close range with he wanted to increase the chances of cutting of his head. Even when the usually deductive and sagacious Tanjiro Kamado was at a loss of how to kill Enmu, Kyojuro instinctively knew that, no matter what form a Demon takes, it will always have a weak spot. He also possesses great knowledge in the use of the Total Concentration Breathing, knowing how to plug minor wounds and hemorrhaging and saved Tanjiro from dying of blood loss.

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