Kyoka Jiro Vs Lucio

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(My Hero Academia Vs Overwatch)

- Both are heroes that have abilities involving sound

Kyoka Jiro


Speakers: Kyoka's boots are fitted with speakers, on which she can insert her plugs into and release a deafening sound. The sound is still strong enough to shatter large boulders, but can be aimed in a certain direction rather than inside an object

Amplifier Jack: Devices that Kyoka can plug her jacks on, amplifying even further the sound and vibration of her heartbeats. They are worn on both her forearms.


Earphone Jack: Kyoka's Quirk is a mutant class quirk, which allows her to plug the jacks that hang from her earlobes into all sorts of things and channel the sound of her heartbeat into them; the vibrations cause havoc inside the plugged objects. She also can plug the jacks into the boots of her costume which have speakers that allow her to shoot sound in a specific direction. Kyoka can use her earphone jacks to catch sounds, giving her the ability to hear across even extremely thick walls. She can use them like whips in combat; stretching up to 6 meters and the sound radius is approximately 12 meters.

- Whip Attack: Kyoka can use her jacks as extremely long-range whips, having enough strength to shatter huge rocks.
Cancelling: This special move allows Kyoka to block out other sounds.

- Heartbeat Fuzz: Kyoka can plug her jacks into the amplifiers on her forearms, slamming the amplifiers onto the floor to finally channel a powerful heartbeat through them that shatters the ground.



Sonic Amplifier: Lúcio can hit his enemies with sonic projectiles or knock them back with a blast of sound.


Crossfade: Lúcio continuously energizes himself, and nearby teammates, with music. He can switch between two songs: one amplifies movement speed, while the other regenerates health.

Amp It up: Lúcio increases the volume on his speakers, boosting the effects of his songs.

Ultimate ability: Sound Barrier: Protective waves radiate out from Lúcio’s Sonic Amplifier, briefly providing him and nearby allies with personal shields.

Who am I rooting for: Kyoka jiro

Who do I think will win: I actually really don't know can't tell who wins to be honest but maybe someone else can tell me

I'm pretty sure it's obvious when you look at it but yes I did not write all this out with the exception of a few things. There was no way I'm writing all of their skills, I just took all this from the wiki and copied and pasted it. Anyway you can tell me in the comments if you would enjoy this as a fight or who you think would win. If I missed a point at the top you can tell me and ill add it but anyway as always goodbye.

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