Jason Lee Scott Vs Chiro

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(Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vs Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go)

- Both are teenagers with attitude

- Both are a part of the team who pilot a giant robot

- Both fight a villain that wants to take over the planet

Jason Lee Scott


Morpher: Morphers are devices that Jason uses to access his different Ranger powers. They allow him to morph through creating a brief entrance to the Morphin' Grid, an energy field that links all forms of life, which he passes through to gain his powers.

Tyrannosaurus Power Coin: The Power Coins are the source of each Ranger's powers. They could manifest the Power Crystals as well.

Power Morpher: Jason's original Morpher, which allows him to become the Red Ranger using the Tyrannosaurus Power Coin.

Power Sword: The Red Ranger's personal weapon. By running two of his fingers along the blade, Jason can fire waves of red energy from it.

Blade Blaster: The Rangers' personal sidearm, which can take the form of either a sword, or a laser gun.

Red Battle Bike: Used for transportation.

Wrist Communicator: Built by Billy Cranston, the Blue Ranger, it is a portable watch-like device that Jason can use to communicate with other rangers and teleport to the Command Center (although it doesn’t necessarily have to be the Command Center, as it has been shown to transport them to just about anywhere). It has even shown to be able to transport the Rangers In and out from completely different dimensions, like it did when it pulled them out of the island of illusions, however the teleportation can be taken away if the communicator is damaged, Zordon is destroyed,a Power Surge happens or sometimes… it just doesn’t due to the place they are in.


Enhanced Strength, Speed & Durability: By becoming a Power Ranger, Jason and many others receive a boost in their physical capabilities. One of those boosts is in physical strength allowing Jason the ability to lift a giant boulder with ease. Another boost is in physical speed, as Rangers such as Jason and Trini can run fast enough to cause dirt and wind to fly up behind them and appear as blurs in the background. Lastly, Rangers gain a boost in physical durability. For example, Jason, while morphed as the Red Ranger, can survive attacks from Zords, monsters, and Rita Repulsa. In later seasons, some Power Rangers actually receive other super powers.

Master Martial Artist: Morphin also gave Jason an unprecedented level of martial arts mastery. Even Billy, the Blue Ranger, who barely knew any martial arts at all, became a fist-fighting master after morphing.


Power Punch: His fists starts glowing red before punching his opponent with it, sending the across the battlefield.

Tyrannosaurus Charge: Charges at his enemies with a red glowing T-Rex head chomping at his enemies.



Chiro's powers come from the Power Primate entity inside him. He can utilize electrokinesis, as seen in the attacks Lightning Kick and Thunder Punch. He's also seen utilizing the Power Primate for combat.

Thunder Punch: An electricity-based punch.

Lightning Kick: An electricity-based kick. Used often, but not as often as "Thunder Punch" after the first couple seasons.

Chiro Spearo: A bolt of lightning thrown by Chiro. Again, not used as often after the first couple of seasons.

Monkey Mind Scream: An energy-based attack shot from the mouth. Used more commonly by Antauri.

Monkey Fu: A burst of green energy that focuses into a beam or radiated out over the whole body.

The Inner Primate: A green gorilla-like force field around Chiro.

Monkey Blow: A blow can push the enemy. It's like Monkey Fu except it comes from hands, shown in Skeleton King.

Martial Arts: The Hyperforce train him in fighting.

Primate Aura: Chiro absorbs the inner primate and radiates with green energy.

Who I'm rooting for: not sure

Who I think will win: since we are not taking into account the giant robots I'm not too sure, Jason is definitely a lot more skilled in hand-to-hand combat because of the suit and his practice outside the suit but im not sure where chiro scales

Do you think, who wins? This this battle I just thought of out of nowhere and thought it would be a good idea so why not.

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