Devil Dinosaur Vs Indominus Rex

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(Marvel Comics Vs Jurassic Park)

- Both are intelligent dinosaurs

Devil Dinosaur


Devil Dinosaur is a gigantic reptile, with the instinctive savagery of a carnivore, and possesses super strength and durability. He also possesses above normal intelligence, on par with a human's. He can switch bodies with Moon Girl because of her as yet unexplained Inhuman powers and may also be able to change his physical size, sometimes appearing nearly five stories tall with Moon Girl dwarfed by his foot and at other times closer to the size of an average Tyrannosaurus rex of roughly twenty feet in length and Moon Girl standing as tall as his knee. After their first mind-body switch he appeared to temporarily shrink to around ten feet in height.

Indominus Rex


The hybrid could run up to speeds of 30 mph when confined in its paddock with its roar alone reaching 140db-160db, as loud as the liftoff and landing of a Boeing 747 airplane. Indominus rex had spiky osteoderms across its body and horns above its eye orbits, traits that originated from the DNA of various abelisaurs used in its creation. Its osteoderms were extremely tough, being able to withstand fire from a GE M134 Minigun and even an indirect hit from an AT4 rocket launcher. It also had well-developed forelimbs from Therizinosaurus complete with opposable thumbs whose origins are unknown. and had sickle-shaped claws on each of its four fingers with the claw of the middle finger being the longest. Its long arms also made it semi-quadrupedal. It displayed immense physical strength, able to easily slaughter a Brachiosaurus and even bend steel girders. It was able to change color from the cuttlefish used in its creation, which was used as camouflage in hunting, but also helped the hybrid grow at a quick rate. The Indominus rex also had what appeared to be protofeathers growing out of several parts of its body, namely its head and forelimbs. Their base skin color was a grayish-white, with eyes whose sclera were a fiery dark-orange-brown color.

The teeth of Indominus were from Deinosuchus DNA, explaining why the teeth are exposed like a crocodile. Due to this bit of instability, its teeth varied in size, often jutting out at unnatural angles and many were broken. Indominus rex had a total of 74 teeth. Like all other theropods, as well as nearly all sharks, the Indominus constantly replaces its teeth. Another trait that came from Tyrannosaurus being in its gene pool was the massively strong bite force it had, which Indominus could use to even crush a bulletproof Gyrosphere or break the neck of an Ankylosaurus. The Indominus' lower jaw was slightly longer than the upper jaw, which gave it something of an underbite.

Its large size is attributed to Giganotosaurus. Interestingly, I. rex could reach 50 ft as an adult when none of the theropods, including Giganotosaurus, used in its creation could reach this length. The cause of this surpassed length in the hybrid is unknown.

The tree frog DNA, which was intended to help them adapt to the climate of Isla Nublar, had allowed it to remove its own thermal signature. The hybrid could also detect the thermal signatures of others as well due to the pit adder DNA. The snake DNA may also be the reason why it could open its jaws wider than any of InGen's cloned theropods. Finally, the DNA from Velociraptor used in Indominus creation gave it a high level of intelligence as well as the ability to communicate with Velociraptor individuals. Good examples of its intelligence being one's plan of making the people that observed her in her paddock think that she had escaped and her ability to remember when and where her creators inserted her tracking implant.

Though they do hunt for food, one known I. rex was shown to kill mainly for sport. This individual also was known to have committed cannibalism, as she killed and ate her own sibling, which was the first thing she did as soon as she hatched. However, since the I. rex who had exhibited these traits had a rough upbringing these behaviors may not be natural. The cannibalism could have came from either Majungasaurus DNA or T. rex DNA or both since both theropods have fossil evidence of cannibalism, though the rough upbringing suggests that it could be a mental illness of some sort seen in this individual.

Who I'm rooting for: not sure

Who I think will win: Devil Dinosaur, I mean the thing can grow way bigger than the indominus and could crush it easily

This is a very easy battle to look at as it's not that hard to figure out. I wouldn't want it to be a death battle though but a dbx.

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