Megatron vs Vilgax

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(Transformers Vs Ben 10)

- Both are one of the strongest and most dangerous antagonist in their verse

- Both of them take over planets for their own selfish reasons



Fusion Cannon: Mounted on his right arm, this is Megatron’s primary weapon, capable of shooting blasts of energy powerful enough to incapacitate most Autobots and even punch right through them. 

Energon Mace: Megatron is a master of hand to hand combat and can fight with virtually any weapon, but his main weapon of choice is a spiked ball & chain made of Energon. Megatron is able to use this to combat Optimus Prime’s axe, and is even able to spin it fast enough to act similar to helicopter blades(which makes no sense because he can fly on his own, but eh, whatever). Much like we pointed out with Optimus’ Energon Axe, it’s worth mentioning that Megatron has only used this weapon in one episode of the G1 cartoon. But, much like Optimus, he’s used it in other G1 sources such as the comics and video games, so it’s safe to use.

Rail Gun: Because one gun wasn’t enough he also has another! As the man said in the image above this thing can destroy an entire city in one shot without even being fully charged.

Space Bridge: These portals allow for Cybertronians to easily warp intergalactic distances instantly. While usually made through specific gates which must be constructed first, certain bodies of Megatron’s have the ability to create space bridge portals directly.

Energon Shield: Weapons aren’t the only things that Energon can create. Megatron is able to generate an arm-mounted shield capable of blocking things like a shot from Starscream, and even attacks from the likes of Optimus and Bumblebee.

Buzzsaw: It’s basically his fusion cannon except it shoots out of his arm as opposed to a cannon attached to his arm.

Optic Weaponry

Force Field Generator: This was a piece of technology originally used by the Autobot Trailbreaker (or Trailcutter/Trailblazer, blame trademarks), a natural part of his body due to his Outlier physiology. After being brutally murdered by Vos and Kaon of the Decepticon Justice Division, Megatron salvaged Trailbreaker’s corpse, and spent months attempting to incorporate the tech into himself. Eventually, he succeeded, using his antimatter as an energy supply to fuel the so-called “Panic Bubbles” and make them even more powerful. Megatron can manually create these bubbles, and alter them in size. They are incredibly durable, to the point where even some of the strongest Transformers such as the DJD can’t break through them. A single bubble was tough enough to withstand all of Megatron’s antimatter detonating at once, an explosion which was sure to kill him and obliterate half the planet he was fighting on. Megatron can also let other people through the shields to trap them, preventing escape.


Cybertronian Physiology: Like his allies and enemies, Megatron is a native of the planet Cybertron: a Transformer. Alternatively referred to as Cybertronians, they are a race of shapeshifting alien robots said to be created by Primus, a deity whose body makes up the core of Cybertron itself. Despite being purely mechanical beings, they are as sentient and alive as any other living being can be. Their colloquial name is a reference to their signature ability - one which allows them to scan nearly anything and transform into it. While they normally appear as humanoid robots about the size of a small building, their alternate forms allow them to take on the appearances of weapons, vehicles, animals, and more, complete with whatever benefits such transformations can provide. A Cybertronian’s ability to transform is tied to several features within their biology. The first is a transforming cog embedded in their minds, which gives them the mental capacity to activate their transformations consciously alongside their brain module. The second is the “living metal” that comprises their bodies, said to be made of the same substance that makes up Cybertron and by extension, Primus himself. Beneath their highly durable exteriors lies a Spark, their lifeforce, and equivalent of a soul. While Cybertronians are capable of withstanding large amounts of damage directed at their body, they can only be considered truly dead if anything were to directly impact their Sparks or otherwise compromise their brain modules. For the most part, Cybertronians do not rely on breathing air or eating food to replenish themselves. They mainly subsist off Energon, a versatile energy source said to be the building blocks of their very bodies and Sparks and is more or less their own equivalent of food, electricity, blood, fuel, power, and in most cases, a currency for trading and ammunition for specific types of weapons. Almost any material can be processed and converted into Energon with the proper equipment, although its raw form is volatile and unstable; trying to handle it in such a state is dangerous as a stray impact is enough for it to violently explode

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