Jaune Arc Vs Papyrus

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(RWBY Vs Undertale)

- Both are very charismatic people who get trained by a stronger and more skilled woman

- Both try their best to fulfill their dreams
(For Jaune its to be a hunter while for papyrus its to be a royal guard)

Jaune Arc


Crocea Mors: A combination between a sword, sheath and shield. The sword is a normal sword. While the sheath transforms into the shield, which can block heavy hits.

Broadsword Form: By folding the shield over the sword's blade, Jaune can form it into a large broadsword. This form of Crocea Mors is much stronger and sharper than the normal sword, but it leaves Jaune without a shield.


Aura: Aura is the manifestation of one's soul and can be used for wide range of abilities. The specific abilities and their strengths differ from individual to individual and are dependent on a number of factors, such as experience, training and innate skill. Jaune's aura can heal minor injuries and increase the strength of his attacks.

Semblance: Jaune’s semblance is augmentation, using his own aura to accelerate or amplify the aura/semblance of an ally. It was awoken in desperation to aid a mortally wounded Weiss, causing her boosted aura to speed her healing process. He has since used his semblance primarily to heal other Huntsmen/Huntresses and amplify Ren’s ability to become unnoticeable to Grim to mask large vehicles that Ren, on his own, could not cloak.



Skeleton Physiology- Papyrus is a living skeleton.

Soul Manipulation- As a monster, Papyrus is capable of manipulating the souls of others.

Gravity Manipulation- Papyrus can manipulation the gravity within his intended target's vicinity by turning their soul blue, the induce in gravity causes the target to move slow and reducing their jumping capabilities.

Bone Magic- Papyrus can generate bones, and he can manipulate and craft them, as during his fight with Frisk, Papyrus crafted some bones spelling "COOL DUDE", a bone on a skateboard, and also manipulate the size of them.

Thermal Immunity- As a skeleton, Papyrus doesn't feel the effects of heat or cold, as he lived in Snowdin which is a town covered in a perpetual layer of ice and snow.

Skilled Cook- Papyrus cooks spaghetti in his spare time, though many monsters seem to think that he is not very good at it because he never ate spaghetti himself to complete the chef's guidebook to cooking by tasting their creation before serving. Though, Sans does admit his cooking is improving, he even says if he practices a year, Papyrus will be get it right. Also, Papyrus has been getting cooking lessons from Undyne.

Who I'm rooting for: not sure

Who I think will win: probably papyrus, I mean jaune was trained by Pyrrha but it wasn't for long while papy definitely trained with undyne than more than a year. Plus papy has soul based attacks so this is a very easy fight to talk about

I would love to see this as a fight on Death battle. I would love to see how they would scale undertale characters.

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