Adam Taurus Vs Jetstream Sam

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(RWBY Vs Metal Gear)

- Both wielders of red katanas that they can fire/eject out of their scabbards

- Both are members of terrorist organizations.

- Both have suffered glaring injuries and have died from being stabbed at the hands of those who they have maimed.

Adam taurus


Wilt and Blush: Adam's weapons of choice were Wilt and Blush. Wilt is a red sword and Blush is a rifle that also functions as a scabbard.


Adam was highly adept in swordsmanship, quickly cutting through Atlesian Knight-130s with ease. He had a preference towards the usage of "Iaido", a method in Japanese sword fighting that involves quickly unsheathing for a rapid attack and then sheathing again. Adam proved to be adept in unarmed combat, utilizing kicks and grabs in addition to his swordsmanship. Although Blake and Yang ultimately managed to defeat and kill him, all three exhausted their Auras during the final duel, showing that Adam was nearly a match for their combined power.

Furthermore, Adam's speed is shown to enable him to deflect numerous bullets in rapid succession with Wilt and Blush. Adam appeared to have advanced endurance, showing no signs of fatigue during an extended battle. He was also skilled at shooting his blade and hurling it as a saw-like attack.

Adam was very intelligent despite his aggressive personality, as he repeatedly proved himself to be very quick thinking and a skilled manipulator, best shown of his takeover of the White Fang. As a leader, Adam displayed an excellent tactical acumen, planning the White Fang's Vale operations, and successfully executed a political take over of the White Fang. Adam was also capable with psychological warfare, skillfully taunting Blake and Yang in all of his engagements with the two. Even at the height of his obsession with Blake, Adam retained his quick thinking on the battlefield.

Semblance: With his Semblance, Moonslice, Adam was able to absorb or block the energy from an enemy attack and re-emit it again in powerful red energy strikes; he could also use the absorbed energy to increase his speed and strength. However, he could only absorb energy through a weapon, as shown in his fight with Blake and Yang. This enabled him to avoid taking damage directly during absorption, but left him unable to use his Semblance if he was disarmed.

Jetstream Sam


HF Murasama: Just like Raiden, he possess a High-Frequency Blade capable of weakening the bonds between molecules, making them easier to cut through with each hit. Sam's HF Blade was made from a weapon crafted by the famous swordsmith Murasama, and it has a faster vibration rate compared to Raiden's HF Blade, making it more powerful. It is ID Locked to Sam, meaning only he can use it unless he deactivates the lock.

Sheath: A holder for his Murasama. It has a spring-lock mechanism that can eject his sword into the air, normally for a surprise attack. The force of it is so strong it can send a cybernetic cop ten feets away.

Cybernetic Arm: Contrary to how it may appear, Sam's only cybernetic enhancement is his right arm, which was cut off by Senator Armstrong and replaced with a mechanical prosthetic. This arm gives him the strength to match Raiden blow for blow.

Exoskeleton: Sam wears a cybernetic exoskeleton while in combat, to make up for being mostly organic while fighting superhuman cyborgs. This exoskeleton greatly enhances Sam's physical prowess, letting him fight on pair with Raiden and Senator Armstrong, jump across trains and walls, and granting him incredible stamina to prevent him from getting tired.

Blade Mode: Using the fuel cells of enemy cyborgs, Sam can boost the capabilities of his exoskeleton, supercharging Sam's reflexes to the point where everything around him appears to slow to a crawl. In this state, Sam can perform precision cuts at blinding speeds to easily land a fatal blow.


Master Swordsman: Despite not being a full-body cyborg, Sam's deadliness comes from his mastery of the sword. He was able to easily outmatch Raiden in their first fight, and even slice off Armstrong's hand. He was able to easily kill ten armed mobsters, by himself, without any cybernetic enhancements or his exoskeleton.

Master Martial Artist: Though he's mainly a sword-fighter, Sam's no slouch in hand-to-hand. After being disarmed of his sword, Sam was able to put up a good fist-fight against Raiden.

Who I'm rooting for: not sure

Who I think will win: also not sure, Adam by far is definitely faster as he should be comparable to Blake who has dodged lighting before but Sam can also bypass adams defenses with his sword so it's hard to say in my opinion

Yeah I have no idea, you guys tell me who would win. I mean I would normally bet Adam mainly due to him being faster but I don't know how he's going to get around that sword Sam has so that's why I'm a little confused. Anyway if you guys can give a good argument on who wins then go ahead and write it down in the comments

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