Trigon Vs Mephisto

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(DC Comics Vs Marvel Comics)

- Both are demons that rule over hell



Demonic Physiology: Trigon is the spawn of a celestial race of aliens called the Divine. After merging with the Heart of Darkness, Trigon absorbed the collected evil from nearly one hundred galaxies, transforming him into one of the most powerful beings in the universe, (A misconception about Trigon is his demonic status. He may have demonic features, but Trigon is no Hellion. He is more of a manifestation of the concept of evil and hatred. He is still considered as a demon for obvious reasons).

Dimensional Travel: Trigon can travel through portals to and from his demonic dimension to other realms at will.


Illusion Casting: Trigon is a master manipulator and can create elaborate illusions to fool others.

Immortality: As a demon, Trigon does not age like mortals. Trigon has stated that he has existed since the dawn of time, before the big bang. This makes him at least 13.7 billion years old, and he still hasn't aged past his prime.

Invulnerability: Trigon is nigh-unaffected by all forms of conventional bodily harm. He was completely unaffected by the punches of Superboy and Wonder Girl, as well as the light constructs of Bunker. Superboy expressed that hitting Trigon felt as effective as trying to destroy a mountain with a teaspoon. However Trigon's skin was pierced by the unique razor sharp glider of Red Robin.

Metamorphosis: Trigon is able to alter his appearance at will. He was able to disguise himself in a human form. He can also generate large demonic hands from within his palms to extend his reach.

Molecular Reconstruction: Trigon can manipulate matter on a molecular level. He was capable of using this power to disintegrate the Three Divine and restructure their flesh into a cloth that he wears.


Mind Control: Trigon can possess anyone he feels necessary for his plots. He has controlled hundreds of people and the most powerful of champions. During his battle with the Teen Titans he was able to possess a majority of its members.

Pyrokinesis: Trigon can generate and manipulate hellfire. He can project its as fiery blasts, or spew it from his mouth, and erupt it from the floor. Trigon's body also gives off a powerful heat.

Thermal-Blast: Trigon is capable of projecting his hellfire from his mouth, or as powerful blasts from his hands.

Summoning: Trigon was capable of summoning women from other worlds which he used to mate with, in order to spread his evil across the multiverse.

Superhuman Reflexes

Superhuman Strength: Trigon can crush buildings and tear apart streets.

Telekinesis: Trigon can mentally manipulate the movement of objects. He can even move artificial objects, such as the light constructs of Bunker. He was able to effortlessly fling Superboy and aside with a casual thought, he also did the same to Belial, an incredibly powerful demon in his own rite.

Telepathy: Trigon is able to gaze into the minds of mortals. He can learn a person's entire history by reading their mind, as he did with Kid Flash and Wonder Girl. He usually reads his opponents' minds to learn how he can manipulate them.



Superhuman Strength: Mephisto possesses some degree of superhuman strength. He is capable of using his magical powers to augment his strength, enabling him to lift well in excess of 100 tons.

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