The Predator Vs Sixsix

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(Predator Vs Ben 10)

- Both are hunters

- Both are aliens with advanced tech to hunt their prey

The Predator


Bio-Mask: The distinctive mask of a Predator, which provides a number of functions besides basic protection, such as a breathing apparatus, translation and voice mimicry systems, audio and visual recorders, the ability to zoom in on distant objects and targets, and the Plasmacaster's targeting systems. Of these systems, the best known and most used are their imaging systems, which allow Predators enhanced sight through a number of different settings, such as thermal and ultraviolet vision, electromagnetism-based sight specialized for tracking Xenomorphs, tech vision that allows them to spot and analyze mechanical systems, and neuro vision allowing for the analysis of a target's emotional state, among many others that have not yet been fully demonstrated.

Plate Armor: Though it covers very little, their Plate Armor is made out of Delx; a metal harder and lighter than anything on earth. And increases their durability substantially. Reflecting automatic fire, withstood the acidic blood of a Xenomorph, and is said that no known human weapon can damage/pierce it... unless exposed to radiation.

Wrist Gauntlet: A vital part of a Predator's equipment, their Wrist Gauntlet houses several different features, including the Sat-Com, a holographic projector that can scan and map out a Predator's surroundings. It also contains their Self-Destruct Device and controls for their cloaking.

Cloaking Device: An advanced piece of Predator technology that can be used to render the user invisible, or nearly so, allowing them to stalk and kill prey undetected by warping light around them. This system is not perfect, leaving a slight distortion in the light as a sign of the Predator's presence, and it has been known to temporarily short-circuit when exposed to water.

Wrist Blades: The most basic of a Predator's weapons, these take the form of two (sometimes more or less) retractable serrated blades built into the Wrist Gauntlet. Ranging from 16 to 18 inches in length, these blades have been stated to be harder than diamond and are sharp enough to cut through tank armor.

Charge Emitter: An add-on to the Wrist Gauntlet that can be used to release bursts of high-power electricity that can short out electrical devices.

Energy Flechette: An energy-based weapon built into the Wrist Gauntlets of some Predators. Similar to a Plasmacaster, the weapon is weaker than its shoulder-mounted kin, lacking its tracking capabilities, though some have shown rapid-fire capabilities.

Power Punch Glove: A Predator device that connects their Wrist Gauntlet to "brass knuckles" worn on their hand. A rare sight, it can be used to greatly reinforce a Predator's striking strength.

Self-Destruct Device: An extremely powerful explosive device built into a Predator's Wrist Gauntlet, the Self-Destruct Device is used as a last resort in the event that they are defeated as an act of honorable suicide that erases their technology and all signs of their presence. The size of the ensuing explosion can apparently be controlled by the Predator, peaking at large enough to wipe out 300 city blocks of a rainforest. While most often used for ritual suicide, in serious situations a Predator can detach the Device to use it offensively.

Combistick: A spear-like weapon that is one of the weapons most used by Predators. Thanks to its telescopic construction, it can be easily stored before being extended to its full length in combat, and can be thrown like a spear.


Bio-Mask: The distinctive mask of a Predator, which provides a number of functions besides basic protection, such as a breathing apparatus, translation and voice mimicry systems, audio and visual recorders, the ability to zoom in on distant objects and targets, and the Plasmacaster's targeting systems. Of these systems, the best known and most used are their imaging systems, which allow Predators enhanced sight through a number of different settings, such as thermal and ultraviolet vision, electromagnetism-based sight specialized for tracking Xenomorphs, tech vision that allows them to spot and analyze mechanical systems, and neuro vision allowing for the analysis of a target's emotional state, among many others that have not yet been fully demonstrated.

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