Ryuko Matoi Vs Crona

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(Kill La Kill Vs Soul Eater)

- Both have partners that are apart of them

- Both of them are swordsman with multiple swords

- Both of them have been on the bad side before

Ryuko Matoi


Scissor Blades: Ryūko's signature weapons are the Scissor Blades invented by her father, swords made to resemble two halves of a large pair of scissors. Made of Life Fibers, they are extremely sharp and nearly indestructible. They are the only things that can stop Life Fiber regeneration. Both blades can shrink to the size of normal scissors to make them more portable. One of the Scissor Blades can also change into a double-bladed scythe.

Decapitation Mode: Extends the Scissor Blade into a two-handed longsword that is double the length and range of its normal form.

Fiber Lost: Ryūko's signature finishing move, a forward thrust with a Scissor Blade in Decapitation Mode that can immediately destroy a Goku Uniform in one strike.

Rending Scissors: The original form of the Scissor Blades, which can be used by Ryūko to sever Life Fibers and prevent their regeneration. They can also enter a Dual Decapitation Mode, doubling their range and power.

Final Address Mode: Makes the Rending Scissors grow to a massive size, around double the size of the S.S. Naked Sun, for greatly increased power.

​Decomissioned Mode: Acts like Decapitation Mode for Final Address Mode, doubling the size of the enlarged blades. In this mode, the Scissor Blades are so big that they dwarf Honnoji Academy.

Kamui Senketsu: Senketsu is a Kamui, a piece of clothing made entirely of Life Fibers, invented by Ryūko's father for her to wear. Senketsu is sentient, and can provide advice to Ryūko.

Life Fiber Synchronize: By feeding Senketsu her blood, Ryūko can activate Life Fiber Synchronize, transforming him into skimpy armor that boosts her abilities greatly. Initially, Ryūko's embarresment over Senketsu's skimpiness prevented her from properly utilizing him, forcing him to drain far more blood from her than necessary to maintain the form, though she eventually got over it and accepted him, letting him drain as little blood as possible and letting Ryūko keep it active for much longer than usual.

Shapeshifting: While using Life Fiber Synchronize, Senketsu can transform parts of himself to attack foes. He's been able to make his eye grow out to crush an entire arena, remove parts of himself and send them at opponents, and form a blade around Ryūko's arm.

Thread Manipulation: Senketsu can extend threads from himself for many uses, such as anchoring Ryūko to the ground by shooting the spikes on her skirt off on threads, binding opponents, or wrapping them around the Scissor Blade to make a makeshift grappling hook.

Infinite Absorption: An ability of Senketsu's that lets him absorb Life Fibers to increase his and Ryūko's power.

Absolute Submission: A power Senketsu absorbed from Ragyō, which lets him and Ryūko control and subdue any nearby Life Fibers.

Seki Tesso: A glove given to Ryūko by her teacher Aikurō Mikisugi, which lets her safely feed blood into Senketsu without harm to herself.


Senketsu Senjin: A form of Senketsu that lets Ryūko form blades and spikes from her uniform. At will, Ryūko can make blades sprout from Senketsu, ranging from swords to spikes to even buzz saws.

Senketsu Shippu: Turns the bottom half of Senketsu into a jet-like form, granting Ryūko high-speed flight.

Senjin Shippu: A combination of Senketsu Senjin and Senketsu Shippu.

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