Dabi Vs Rin Okumura

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(My Hero Academia Vs Blue Exorcist)

- Both have horible dads that they hate

- Both have powers that is just blue fire

- Both of them have brothers that they envy



Cremation: Dabi's Quirk grants him the ability to generate highly destructive blue flames from his body. He has very well-developed control of his flames and can project them a fair distance from himself and in large amounts. Furthermore, his flames possess greater firepower than that of his father, Endeavor's Hellflame Quirk, and they become even stronger when Dabi feels strong emotions.[12] However, Dabi's body has a low tolerance for his own flames, due to inheriting his mother’s resistance to freezing temperatures, rather than his father's resistance to high heat, and he will get burned if he uses them for prolonged periods of time.

Flashfire Fist: Endeavor's signature technique, later passed down to Dabi himself. Dabi raises his fire's temperature to its highest level and maximizes his power. Doing so, Dabi can unleash devastating flame attacks or increase his speed dramatically.

Flashfire Fist - Jet Burn: This attack allows Dabi to shoot out a blast of fire at his desired target. This attack is quite powerful, as it was shown to critically wound Shoto, knocking him unconscious. Dabi used the move against his youngest brother during the war on the Paranormal Liberation Front. Unlike his father, Dabi only shoots his fire rather than making direct contact with his opponent.

Prominence Burn: This attack allows Dabi to launch a massive, concentrated beam of fire from his entire body that is able to vaporize his target. Dabi nearly used this move at full power against Endeavor but was intercepted by the sudden arrival of Best Jeanist on the battlefield.

Enhanced Stamina: In spite of his disheveled body and Quirk drawbacks, Dabi is fairly effective at enduring battles wherein heavy injures are eminent. Most notably, when his own flames begin to eat away at his body from overuse, Dabi continues to battle and use his volatile Quirk, ignoring the probable self-cremation he could face.

Keen Intellect: Possessing good judgment, Dabi is very keen individual, observant of everything around him, whether he's reading someone's intentions or weaknesses. Dabi is also known for psychologically engaging enemies, questioning their motives and morality during combat. This is an entirely tactical maneuver for buying time since it complements Dabi's weakness of his flames hurting his own body over time. When he first met Tomura Shigaraki, the pyrokinetic easily identified Tomura's personality instability. During the Vanguard Action Squad Invasion, he formed a plan having copies of himself, created by Twice, distract Eraser Head and Vlad King, while simultaneously using his flames to trap numerous U.A. students in the The Beast's Forest. Dabi's machinations may have resulted in the Vanguard Action Squad suffering 3 casualties, but in the end accomplished the objective of capturing Katsuki. In the course of the forest incursion, one of Dabi's clones saw through Eraser Head's stoic nature with just a glance. After the League captured Katsuki, Tomura wanted Dabi to remove the Katsuki's restraints, but Dabi refused, knowing Katsuki would initiate a surprise attack once released, which was proven true after Twice removed Katsuki's bondages.

Rin Okumura


Flames of Satan: Also known as the Blue Flames, he inherited the flames of his biological father, which as suggested are blue. Due to his demon heart being sealed in the demon-slaying blade, Kurikara, his demonic powers were sealed too, however, in an erratic emotional state, small blue flames are released even when the sword was sheathed. Rin later started training to control his blue flames to ensure he isn't consumed and reverts to his feral state when he draws Kurikara. Despite his improved control, Rin is still prone to his flames leaking out in rage. After Kurikara, which contained his demonic heart broke, his flames were released at full power burning him, before healing and regressed into his feral demon form, but he soon returned to his state of mind.

Pyrokinesis: The most basic ability that Rin possesses due to his heritage, Rin has the ability to create and control fire with his mind. By the time of the Izumo Rescue Operation, he attained enough control over his blue flames to create techniques by releasing flames from his sword in a more coordinated manner.[20] In an attempt to rescue Yukio, Rin could make a blade from blue flames to burn Satan out from his eye.

Demon Form: Whenever draws Kurikara from its sheath, which contains his demonic heart, the source of all his demonic powers, he gains access to his true power. Likewise, this also puts Rin at a severe disadvantage, as he doesn't keep his tail concealed, which is one of his main weaknesses, and it exposes his heart, meaning that the destruction of Kurikara, Rin could die. Kurikara did, in fact, break, because of Satan, who was talking through Yukio, regaining his demonic heart and true heart albeit almost died, with his heart now exposed. Despite Kurikara's blade breaking, after receiving the hilt and scabbard from Konekomaru, he could his heart inside the blade once again.

Intimidating Presence: Rin being the spawn of Satan gives him an overwhelming aura which is feared by low to mid-tier Demons. Such is shown when he told the Reaper to let go of him, evidentially saving Bon while instilling fear into the Reaper.

Enhanced Strength: Per his demonic heritage, Rin has incredible strength, giving him the strength to, even as a child, break someone's ribs with a mere punch.

High-Speed Regeneration: Rin, also due to his heritage, has inherited high-speed regeneration, which in short allows him to recover from fatal or near-fatal wounds at astonishingly high speeds, giving him an extreme amount of durability. For instance, he has shown himself able to close a serious stab wound within mere minutes, and reattach his severed right foot. When he tried to stop Yukio from leaving for the Illuminati Yukio shot him in the head at point-blank range and not only Rin survive and recover in minutes, he remained conscious through the whole event. During his attempt to free Yukio from Satan, Rin lost his left arm, however, it later regenerated entirely minutes later.

Telepathy: Rin has shown the ability to exercise telepathy, but only in instances where the one he is talking to is a higher class demon who is not capable of speaking human language, as is the case with Kuro and Ukobach.

Spectral Awareness: Though this ability was suppressed due to Kurikara's sealing, once Rin's powers were completely unleashed, he gained the natural ability to see demons because of his half-breed status.

Knight: Rin is an aspiring Knight Meister, and as such employs a demonic sword as his main weapon, which in his case with his Kurikara. Rin eventually gains enough skill and control with his flames and sword to be able to perform various techniques with his Flames of Satan.

Flame Emitting Meditation: With Ucchusma possessing his Kurikara, Rin unleashes a torrent of fire capable of engulfing an entire mountain. However, because of his conviction, the flames only burn away the Impure King.

Satan Slash: Rin channels his Flames of Satan through the Kurikara and fires them at his opponent in the form of a wave in a manner reminiscent of Arthur's Angel Slash.

Satan Bomb: Rin stabs Kurikara into the ground and then creates a series of explosions at various nearby points of his choosing.

Satan Campfire: Rin stabs his opponent with Kurikara then engulfs them in blue flames.

Satan Bomb Campfire: Rin stabs Kurikara in his target, then causes a series of explosions at various points on the targets body before the blue flames both spread and consume the target.

Cooking Specialist: According to Shiro, cooking is Rin's specialty, and even searched around for a restaurant job he could have to perfectly execute his talent. Rin later exercised his talent when the Exwires and their supervisors were at the training camp, during which he cooked dinner for everyone, which they all extremely enjoyed.

Who am I rooting for: Rin Okumura

Who do I think will win: Not sure but I probably guess rin if im honest

I'm pretty sure it's obvious when you look at it but yes I did not write all this out with the exception of a few things. There was no way I'm writing all of their skills, I just took all this from the wiki and copied and pasted it. Anyway you can tell me in the comments if you would enjoy this as a fight or who you think would win. If I missed a point at the top you can tell me and ill add it but anyway as always goodbye.

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