Akame Vs Killua Zoldyck

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(Akame Ga Kill Vs Hunter X Hunter)

- Both are Assassins that were taken away from their families at a young age and used as tools for killing

- They both ran away from their “caretakers” to start a new life with new companions

- They both have a state of mind that rid them of their emotions

- They both have a friend who sacrificed their humanity in order to defeat a great evil.



One-Cut Killer [Murasame]: a katana known for being coated in an immensely deadly poison that could kill those cut by it within seconds, as the poison itself had no antidote. The Teigu's trump card, the ability to strengthen its user with the power of its poisonous curse for a short amount of time, was revealed during the final battles against the empire. It is revealed near the end of the manga that Murasame's poison could only target one life at a time; using this to her advantage, she killed Tyrant without hurting Tatsumi.

After Murasame is destroyed, Akame used The Complete Book of the World: Rongo Rongo when she traveled East. She later lost it in a storm at sea when her ship was ambushed by a Sea Danger Beast.

Kiriichimonji: She was once equipped with the katana-based Shingu, Kiriichimonji before gaining her Teigu. It has the ability to create permanent wounds which cannot be healed or closed. Akame made use of this Shingu during the majority of her missions while working with the Empire, during which she managed to kill several powerful opponents using the Shingu, having successfully dispatched members and the leaders of the Sabatini Show,The Oarburgh Clan,The Gravekeepers,The Revolutionary Army and the Retribution Group before eventually losing it during her defection after successfully defeating her mentor and father figure,Gozuki.

Meihou: Akame gains a new Meihou sword after she and Elder's Class hunt down Danger Beast on the shore after her first weapon is broken when fighting Yomihime during a battle at Mt. Kageboshi. She earns Meihou as a reward of saving Elder's Class from annihilation as the production cost will be covered by the Elder.

This weapon later proved to be much more durable than her previous sword during her battle against Yomihime, but unlike her previous weapons of choice, this particular Meihou possess no special abilities or features.


Physical Abilities: Due to being raised and trained by Gozuki one of the Four Rakshasa Demons and one of the Empire's most deadliest assassin for the majority of her childhood, Akame has displayed several superhuman level physical attributes such as superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, senses and durability due to the rigorous training regiment Gozuki put her through that primarily involved training and raising her within the Danger Beast infested wilderness mountains that eventually lead to her current physical build and skill level.

Akame is often considered to be one of the strongest members of Night Raid, slaying even the strongest of enemies with minimal effort. Her hellish assassination training allows her combat prowess to be on par with those as powerful as the General rank within the military levels of the Empire, Esdeath herself acknowledging her strength. Akame is an extremely skilled master swordswoman, able to wield her Teigu Murasame with utmost dexterity and precision, able to slay numerous enemies, even highly skilled and powerful enemies with incredible ease.

She easily slayed Izou a fellow master swordsman in combat and would have killed Tatsumi, if not for the statue his chief villager gave him before embarking on his journey. At her full strength, Akame managed to hold her own against Esdeath, a tremendously powerful master swordswoman and ultimately killed her with a single precise thrust, plunging Murasame's shattered blade directly into Esdeath's heart.

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