Pegasus Seiya Vs Sailor Moon

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(Saint Seiya Vs Sailor Moon)

- Both are protectors of earth

Pegasus Seiya


Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Seiya is a very proficient unarmed combatant, capable of packing powerful punches, elbows, kicks, and grapples; he is skilled enough to fight on par with master combatants of, or above his caliber, for a considerable amount of time.

Immense Strength: Seiya has shown on various times to possess a high degree of physical strength. His punching power is great enough to shatter multiple, concrete buildings and crack through hard steel. With the Seventh Sense, he possesses the same strength as a Gold Saint.

Immense Speed: One of Seiya's greatest attributes is his speed, able to instantly accelerate and run at speeds far greater than Mach 5. He is capable of closing great distances in the blink of an eye and possibly keep up with opponents that could match his level. Utilizing the Seventh Sense, Seiya can move faster than the speed of light or punch a billion times per second.

Enhanced Reflexes: Seiya possess fast reflexes, having been able to dodge attacks from various enemies of higher rank than himself.

Immense Durability: Seiya has shown to be extremely durable. With the Pegasus Cloth, he has tanked continual, deadly assaults from adversaries stronger than him and kept fighting. Such impressive resistance was proven throughout many of his most difficult trials: in his fight against Leo Aioria, he took many severe blows and had his leg broken, but none the less, he continued fighting. He also lost his five senses during his battle with Gemini Saga but was, in spite of that, was capable of overwhelming him with faster-than-light punches.

Enhanced Endurance: Seiya's endurance is very high, as he has continued fighting effectively after taking many injuries, and can survive attacks that would easily kill average Bronze and Silver Saints.

Keen Intellect: Despite being headstrong and straightforward, Seiya has shown on numerous of battles to possess an average level of keen intelligence, managing to find weak points in his enemies' attacks which allows him to evade the attack if used again.

Immense Cosmo Power: Despite being a Bronze Saint, Seiya has been noted to have vastly immense levels of Cosmo. His unique level of Cosmo reserves are so vast, that he can raise his own to its maximum peak, increasing all of his fighting capabilities even further, enough to rival both Silver Saints and even Gold Saints. Furthermore, being a reincarnation of the Pegasus, Seiya is capable of increasing his Cosmo to the point where he can wound various Deities. His Cosmo is blue in color.

Sixth Sense: As with many of Athena's Saints, Seiya has the Sixth Sense known as Intuition, meaning that he can feel and use Cosmoenergy over large distances, predict movements without the use of his other five senses, as well as using supplementary abilities like telepathy, atomic manipulation and destruction, and/or projecting energy blasts.

Seventh Sense: The Seventh Sense, the main source of power of the Gold Saints, allows Seiya to draw out the true potential of his Cosmo and achieve exceptionally powerful feats far beyond those of an average Saint, such as moving his body at the speed of light, wield enough power to pulverize a star, or being able to punch a billion times per second. He awakened his Seventh Sense for the first time during his fight against Taurus Aldebaran.

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