Salem Vs Zeref

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(RWBY Vs Fairy Tail)

- Both are immortal villains

- Both of them had their loved ones dying in front of them



Magic: Salem, as the member of the first wave of humanity, has access to magic, which has seemingly only been amplified by her immersion in the Pools of the Grimm and her curse. With Ozma, the only other remaining member of the first humans, having given much portions of his magic to the Maidens, and the Gods having left Remnant, Salem's magical power currently is unmatched. She can create energy blasts and beams capable of torturing but not killing others, which she used to torture Oscar. She is able to exert a powerful telekinetic force capable of easily crushing a Nevermore and shattering the windows of her council room in an uncontrolled rage. She can use two forms of clairvoyance, able to observe battles through her crystal ball and also conjure an image of Atlas. She is also capable of powerful elemental magic, as she can generate fire and electricity and conjures a massive storm cloud to mask her fleet as she attacks Atlas, which acts as a barrier capable of shotting out anything close. At one point, she conjures shadowy images of her daughters.

Immortality: Having been cursed by immortality by the Gods, Salem is immortal, making it impossible to destroy her. Not even the Grimm's Pool was able to destroy her and destroying her body and killing her will only cause her to resurrect, completely healed, regardless of how much damage she sustains. As Ozpin stated and Salem herself believes, the only way for Salem to die is for the Gods to revoke her immortality and kill her themselves.

Super Human Physical Prowess: Seemingly due to the power of the Grimm Pool empowering her, Salem displays inhuman levels of physical strength, speed, endurance and durability, even without her immortality. This was shown when she easily upturned a table with a single hand and was able to effortlessly catch up to and restrain Emerald despite the distance between them before she could react and was completely unfazed by the punches of the considerably strong Yang and besides recovering from the explosions Yang set on her, she showed absolutely no pain over having dozens of bombs go off half of her body and easily restrained her with one hand once she got a grip on her. Even a magical beam from Oscar only dealt minimum non-lasting pain on her, with Salem proceeding to easily threw Yang at him with enough force to knock them down. She also withstood being punched by Hazel with enough force to launch her off her feet with no damage, even able to position herself accordingly to land on her feet, and was able to grab and slam Hazel repeatedly to the ground.

Grimm Powers: Because she threw herself into the Grimm's Pool, Salem is the Grimm's master. As such, she can command them to do her bidding and even create them from the pools of black liquid outside of her home. Noted by Qrow Branwen to have done extensive modifications to the Grimm and even described as having created things that are fear itself, Salem possesses the capability to experiment with the Grimm to modify them, as she causes Beringels to sprout wings and transforms a faunus into the Hound as an experiment, resulting in it being extremely intelligent. She can generate and manipulate Grimm Liquid at will without needing the pools of Grimm Liquid from the Land of Darkness, seemingly able to conjure the substance on her own, as she breaks Atlas's defenses with it and would proceed to use the Liquid to spawn countless Grimm. Salem can also summon Shadow Hands, an ability which she creatively uses in battle by summoning dozens of them from the ground in an instant to restrain her opponents and can also spawn them from her hand directly to grab and pull them to her, as shown when she paralyzes Hazel, Oscar, Yang, Ren, and Jaune with multiple Shadow Hands and pulls Yang to her. She also gives Cinder the arm of a Grimm, which can steal the powers of Maidens, a feat of which was never accomplished before according to Ozpin's group. She also proves capable of controlling the Arm to cause Cinder pain if she disobeys her.

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