Garnet Vs Undyne

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(Steven Universe Vs Undertale)

- Both are the leaders of their own teams/groups

- Both of the strongest physically amongst their teams/groups

Who am I rooting for: Undyne

Who do I think will win: I'm actually not too sure but it most likely would go into Garnet's favor



Garnet possesses standard Gem abilities: bubbling, shapeshifting, fusion, regeneration, agelessness, and superhuman strength/durability.
Garnet has a high tolerance for pain, as shown in "So Many Birthdays" when she displays no visible reaction, let alone discomfort when Amethyst blindly swings a baseball bat at the side of her head. This is explained and justified since she is a fusion of two Gems. While not outright invincible, it is shown that Garnet is more physically durable than Pearl or Amethyst. It is shown that she endures different levels of damage almost daily, withstanding falling cars, scuffles with Jasper, and various other forms of physical force.

Gauntlet Proficiency: When channeling the collective power of the universe through her gemstones, Garnet can summon a pair of gauntlets. Garnet is highly proficient when using her gauntlets and is extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat. She can deal massive strikes that can deal a heavy amount of damage and deliver swift blows with lightning speed. As of "Bismuth", Garnet's gauntlets have had spiked brass knuckles added onto them.

Rocket Gauntlet: Garnet takes aim with her gauntlets and shoots them as projectiles in "Watermelon Steven". In "Reformed", after Garnet launches her gauntlets, her hands are detached from her body, and her gemstones are moved to the stubs of her arms.

Weapon Size Augmentation: Garnet can increase the size of her gauntlets, easily quadrupling their size, and deal increased damage at the cost of reduced speed. This was hinted during "Garnet's Universe". Being an imaginary story, that means Steven knew about that power before the real debut in "Warp Tour".

Deflection: Garnet can use her gauntlets as shields as seen in "Onion Trade" to deflect a volley of Dave Guys. They are also used in "Catch and Release" to block Peridot's electrokinetic discharge in Amethyst's whip, although it is unknown whether Garnet simply prevented the electric current using her gauntlets or absorbed it with her electrokinesis.
Sonic Gauntlets: As seen in Gem Harvest, Garnet can pound her gauntlets into something and create a sonic wave strong enough to make something, such as carrots, fly out of the ground.

Photokinesis: In "It Could've Been Great", Garnet can be seen using Photokinesis along with Pearl, Ruby (Doc), Ruby (Eyeball), and Peridot. This might be a power that every Gem can use.

Item Summon: Garnet has the ability to materialize different items out of her gemstone(s), similarly to Pearl. In "Serious Steven", she summoned the key to the Pyramid Temple. Who she inherited this ability from is unknown.

Fusion Realm: In the episode titled "Mindful Education" Garnet was shown to have helped Stevonnie gain a deeper connection to themself, the way this was done was apparently through a quite easily gained meditational state in which Garnet guided Stevonnie throughout. When Garnet as well as Stevonnie entered this realm Garnet apparently showed Stevonnie how to keep in touch with themself and how to gain a deeper understanding of both their sides and how to resist falling apart by being honest to themself.

Future Vision: Garnet can see multiple future outcomes and probabilities with her third eye (Sapphire's eye) as revealed in "Future Vision". This includes extremely unlikely and ridiculous outcomes, as a considerable amount of her available visions depict Steven's (and possibly other individuals') demise at the hands of mundane tasks or objects on a regular basis. The ability does take some time to use, as she has been shown in a thinking position when activating it. During that time, someone can alter the future, as seen in "Marble Madness", when Steven ruined the plan to learn about Peridot by going up to her while Garnet was still using future vision. This power comes from Sapphire, as confirmed in "Keystone Motel", although Sapphire's future vision is different from Garnet's future vision. Due to Sapphire's passive personality, she can only see one future where she does not intervene. Garnet has Ruby's impulsive influence, so she can see multiple futures where she does intervene. Her future vision seems to operate at will and with only specific details that she is looking for, as in "Cry for Help" when her future vision overlooked Pearl's actions and their consequences, Garnet only noticed that Peridot was in none of the potential futures.

Temporary Power Transfer: In "Winter Forecast", "Jail Break", and "Future Boy Zoltron" it is shown that she can temporarily pass on her future vision ability to others through lip contact.
While Garnet has only been seen using lip-to-forehead contact to transfer her power, it is unknown if this is the only method. As she has only been seen sharing her power with Steven, her affection could say bias on how she chooses to transfer the power.

Heat Resistance: Her invulnerability is most commonly displayed in her extreme resistance to heat, from when she had scalding-hot coffee splash onto her without flinching in "Future Vision" to when she left to retrieve the Earth Beetle (which required her to swim in active lava) in "Giant Woman". It has also been said that she could swim in the core of the Sun and survive. This may be because of Ruby's thermo-regulation.

Enhanced Calculations: Garnet mentions her ability to sense structural integrity in "Cheeseburger Backpack".
It is currently unknown whether this is a unique power, a separate portion of her heightened senses like her future vision, or just a simple observation.

Electrokinesis: Garnet can generate electricity, as seen in "The Message" when she used it to charge the battery of Greg's van, "Catch and Release" when she was tangling with Peridot, and "Arcade Mania" when she restarted "Meat Beat Mania" after Steven unplugged the game. Garnet has this ability due to the combination of Ruby's pyrokinesis and Sapphire's cryokinesis.

Electric Resistance: Garnet is impervious to electricity, as seen in "Future Vision" when she easily deflected a lightning bolt that was about to hit her and Steven with her gemstone. It, again, is seen in "Catch and Release" when she stopped Peridot's electricity from traveling down Amethyst's whip, only to send her own electricity back at her.

Electric Jump: In "When It Rains", Garnet uses her electrokinesis on the offensive for the second time, generating electricity and releasing it on impact with the ground, while the energy then travels to the target. This particular move is long-ranged.

Super Speed: As shown in the episode titled "Bismuth", Garnet is shown to have engaged Bismuth in combat with an immensely fast approach. She inherited this ability from Sapphire.



Armor: Very durable, but it slows Undyne down and it might overheat her if she's fighting in a hot area.


Spear Telekinesis- During her first battle with Frisk, Undyne can summon light blue energy spears to telekinetically launch them or have them emerge from the ground. She can also create yellow spears that change directions.

- Arsenal- Undyne can create an unlimited amount of spears.

- Yellow Spears: Yellow Spears point in a opposite direction when thrown, and when they encounter a foe, they go behind them, for a trick attack.

Enhanced Strength- Undyne is capable of withstanding hits, albeit for a long time, as shown in the Genocide Route. She's also capable of lifting up Alphys and throwing her in a garbage can in the True Pacifist Route.

Determination- Undyne has the most (if natural) Determination out of all the monsters in the Underground. However, this in turn causes her to melt, implying that Undyne's body cannot handle the amount of Determination she has.

Undine Physiology- Undyne is an undine, an elemental being associated with water.

Soul Manipulation- As a monster, Undyne can manipulate the soul of another.

Binding- Undyne can bind others' in their tracks, preventing them from moving or escaping, by turning their soul green.


Undyne the Undying: When she nearly died, Undyne transforms into Undyne the Undying. This form increases her strength, durability, and everything to much higher levels. She becomes far more powerful in this form, and is the only boss monster in the Genocide Run to take more than one hit in this form.

Who am I rooting for: Undyne

Who do I think will win: if undyne in her undying form at least scale somewhat to genocide for frisk then she should be able to win this fight even with garnets future sight.

I'm pretty sure it's obvious when you look at it but yes I did not write all this out with the exception of a few things. There was no way I'm writing all of their skills, I just took all this from the wiki and copied and pasted it. Anyway you can tell me in the comments if you would enjoy this as a fight or who you think would win. If I missed a point at the top you can tell me and ill add it but anyway as always goodbye.

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