✓Bill Cipher Vs Discord✓

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(Gravity Falls Vs My Little Pony)

- Both of their powers are derived from complete chaos and weirdness

- Both are strong reality warpers

Bill Cipher


Weirdmageddin: Also called the Oddpocalypse, it is available to Bill once he gains his physical form, it's over One Billion Years Propheseid, it destroys and changes all laws of physics, time and reality in the world, and allows otherworldly beings and monsters into the physical world.


Intelligence: Bill is quite intellligent, as he says "I know lots of things, LOTS OF THINGS", he's very skilled with his siver tongue, tricking and manipulations others into doing his bidding by promising something that they'd want. He's shown he can match wits with Stanford Pines, playing interdimensional chess with him, and assisting him with research, he also helped Stanford build an interdimensional portal. He's pretty much known for tricking intelligent members of the Pines family, having also tricked Dipper into making a deal with him. Which allowed Bill to possess Dipper's body. Though he's not immune to being tricked, Mabel was able to trick Bill into tiring himself out, and both Stanley and Stanford tricked him into his own death.


Shapeshifting: Bill can shapeshift into pretty much any living being he wants. Including poor old Soos. Who Bill did such a good impression of that he fooled those around him into thinking he Soos.

Laser Beams: Bill caan shoot lasers from his hands powerful enough to blow off roofs on houses.

Eye Laser: Can turn his eyes into a laser beam.

Elasticity: Can stretch his limbs to ridiculous lengths.

Limb Growing: Can add even more arms to his body to punch at opponents.

Size Manipulation: Can grow his body so big, he's as big as the planet. He can even seemingly grow others to become larger than the galaxy.

Regeneration: Can regenerate after being torn apart, or shattered like glass, though it appearantly takes longer to regenerate his eye.

Intangability: Can phase through things and become completely undetectable. Unable to be seen, felt or heard by others.

Duplication: Can duplicate himself into several clones.

Mind Reading: He was able to tell what Mabel was thinking, and he read her mind in order to create her own paradise.



Object Combustion: Can make objects, such as books for example, combust into flames. He even made his own home dimension burn to the ground.

Teleportation: Can teleport anywhere in a flash.

Telekinesis: Can use his telekinesis to lift large objects, even something as heavy as a pyramid. or even use it to choke people out, like Darth Vader.

Gravity Manipulation: Can make like the shows very title and have gravity fall, manipulating it to his whim.

Summoning: Bill has also shown that he cans summon pretty much anything, he created a head that was always screaming, a flying car for himself and his friends.

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