Lubbock Vs Walter C. Dornez

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(Akame Ga Kill Vs Helsing)

- Both of them control string or wire

-Both of them are part of teams who kill people/monsters



Lubbock uses a wire Teigu named "Infinite Uses: Cross Tail", which is very strong and has many uses, including offensive and defensive techniques. He is able to use his Teigu to detect intruders who cross into his wires' parameters. He is also able to manipulate the wires forming them into a spear like object, which he uses to impale his enemies. He has displayed an extremely resourceful tactical use of his Teigu, using it like a suit of Armour being the most common use in question. He also tends to plan several moves ahead of his enemies and will adapt well to a given situation even as it changes, such as when he killed two of the Four Rakshasa Demons, a group noted for killing Teigu users themselves. Lubbock is also seen to be great at hand to hand combat, able to dismantle an empire guard.

He has been shown to be good at tricking enemies and distracting them; he claims his Ultimate Technique is his ability to play dead, which he has used multiple times to ambush or escape enemies. It's trump card is that the user can keep the strings in their mouth, this is what enabled Lubbock to attack Syura. He is a notorious cross-dresser when the situation demands it.

He can shape his thread into a throwing spear, a makeshift shield, and an axe.
He has a great deal of experience and it was even noted by his enemies.
He was also shown to have knives that he uses in combination with his Teigu.
He has been shown to be able to manipulate enemies into believing that he is scared of them, only to show them entirely otherwise later on with careful planning.

Besides the abilities granted to him by his Teigu, he is also proficient in hand to hand combat. He uses this for quick attacks and for when he's fighting an opponent he doesn't even need his Teigu for.

Walter C. Dornez


Human: (Kid/Old) Despite being a human, Walter possesses exceptional combat skill on par with or exceeding many supernatural beings. During the initial Millennium assault on Hellsing, he dispatched a large force of ghouls with almost inoculate ease and confidently engaged an artificial vampire. Later on, during another sudden Millennium invasion, Walter quickly killed an entire squad of artificial vampires that were coming at him and aiming to kill him without taking a single step and with casual ease. He also appears to be very physically durable in his youth as a 14-year old kid, as can be seen when he engages the Captain in The Dawn. Specifically, he was able to withstand multiple punches from the Captain, even though such blows are shown to have a fairly detrimental effect on even fully vampiric Seras as he blew off her arm with a single punch and is physically stronger than any vampire with the possible exception of Alucard. As such, it is possible that Walter had some artificial physical enhancement as a human; a single punch from the Captain would kill any normal human easily. This would also explain why Walter retained much of the ability he had in his youth, though, until it's been more strongly implied, Walter probably just has supreme disciple and control over his body. It is possible that the Captain was more powerful during the London incident due to having aged, but as human Walter's wires had the same effect on him in 1944 as in 1999, this appears unlikely. Walter jumped from a plane while at high altitudes without a parachute and carrying Alucard's wires with his wires and landed successfully so he could endure abnormal temperature changes.

His speed and agility are of particular note, and even in his old age he was able to easily dodge bullets from assault rifles and actually blitz through all of them without a single scratch on his clothes all while within a narrow corridor and there was no obstacle in the way to interfere with the bullets. In his youth, Walter displayed great acrobatic skill and even as a senior citizen he still can perform exceptional feats of balance and coordination. His strength is also considerable, while he was a kid, Walter can break through a window while being weighed down by Alucard's coffin which was gripped onto by his wires and this was done after he had jumped from a high altitude out of a plane without a parachute. Walter was also able to flip a long table filled with food dishes with just one kick while in mid-air and being involved in a scenario of dozens of soldiers firing bullets at him at close range. He was able to injure and even make The Captain bleed from a single headband to the face, sending The Captain back and falling down where The Captain was not fazed by Walter's razor sharp wires that can cut through steel and concrete nor did he fall back against a fully developed Seras's punches. In old age, he has demonstrated a good amount of strength as he can use it as support for his sharp wires to cut through riot shields and body armor without difficulty as well as being able to somewhat lift the Jackal while in a briefcase (The Jackal weighed around 35 pounds) and the Harkonnen (which weighed around 120 pounds).

Walters primary weapons are a set of very long monomolecular razor wires, which he controls as if they where extensions of his own body. The wires are sharp enough to slice through steel and concrete with no trouble though he can use them to bind and restrain targets without damaging them.

Human (Prime): Walter's prime is probably around his late 30s given how young he looked during his vampirization. It's unknown how strong Walter was during his prime, but one could guess given his feats while as a kid and as an elderly man. An old Walter commented after he supposedly "missed" that he couldn't compare to his younger days, suggesting that prime Walter had superior accuracy, precision, aim, and control over his wires than his other human versions. He would be much more intelligent, calm, and mature than the kid Walter who was rather easily influenced by emotion and made arrogance as his weakness. He would also have a lot more combat experience plus comparing old age and young age, Walter would have had much more stamina and most likely retained the durability he had as a kid. Even so, nothing is known about the abilities about human prime Walter other than his feats in his vampire form which is stronger than any of his human forms and statements made while he was in old age.

Vampire: When turned into an artificial vampire by Millennium, all of his abilities where restored to their full extent. When the transformed Walter first appears in the manga, his micro-filaments wrap around several buildings and slice them in half, with no evidence of any physical strain on Walter's part. In his final battle with Alucard, he demonstrated previously unseen abilities with his wires, including stopping a high fall (slicing several buildings in half in the process), forming mesh shields to block bullets (specifically he was able to stop and caught via his wires several Casull bullets shot at him by Alucard), and binding targets and controlling them as puppets(such as when he inserted his wires into Luke Valentine and manipulated his body and movements to his own will). Walter was able to keep up with Alucard and react to his attacks, when Alexander Anderson augmented with the Nail of Helena was caught by a direct charge attack by Alucard in that same form and died as a result. He could use his extended wires that reached above skyscrapers and covered at least a city block (if not multiple city blocks) with superior profiency and with equal speed that the wires displayed while Walter was using them as a human. He regained the durability he had when he was a kid as he could take a solid punch from Alucard to the face while Alucard was in Level Zero (his strongest form) and recover a couple of seconds later. He gained a regenerative factor as a standard for vampires in which he could heal from direct punches to the face by Alucard as well as the wounds caused by high caliber sniper bullets fired by the Iscariot marksman Heinkel Wolfe that pierced his eye and limbs. Walter was able to go toe-to-toe with Alucard in his "black jacket" form for a considerable amount of time and even had the upper hand for most of it which is much more than what Luke Valentine and Tubalcain Alhambra lasted as well as Alexander Anderson in his strongest form who didn't even last a moment in combat with Alucard as right after Alucard entered that form, Anderson was blitzed by Alucard and had his heart ripped off. Although his transformation was flawed and the immense power he had started to decrease, Walter did have considerable stamina to last against Alucard for that long and did manage to permanently kill Luke Valentine and Alucard's hellhound familiar "Baskerville" in one attack.

Who am I rooting for: Lubbock

Who do I think will win: I'm not too sure who wins as Walter has more experience while Lubbock should have stronger string and is more creative with his string.

I'm pretty sure it's obvious when you look at it but yes I did not write all this out with the exception of a few things. There was no way I'm writing all of their skills, I just took all this from the wiki and copied and pasted it. Anyway you can tell me in the comments if you would enjoy this as a fight or who you think would win. If I missed a point at the top you can tell me and ill add it but anyway as always goodbye.

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