Ilia Amitola vs Tsuyu Asui

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(RWBY Vs My Hero Academia)

- Both are girls with animal features

- Both have the capabilities to camouflage themselves

Illia Amitola


Lightning Lash: Ilia's weapon of choice is Lightning Lash, a rapier/whip that is able to load Dust. It is capable of cutting through metal easily with its blade. It has two slots along the hilt filled with Lightning Dust. The Dust's effect can be remotely activated by grasping part of the hilt, which causes electricity to run along the whip. The effect is strong enough to taze people as shown when Ilia uses it on Corsac Albain.


Aura: Aura is a necessary energy source for all Huntsmen, being a powerful ally in battle. It is also required in order to trigger the use of Dust. Aura, as demonstrated by various characters, can be used in the following techniques.

- Healing: It also seems that those with a strong enough Aura can heal minor wounds. Jaune used this directly on a small cut after having his Aura unlocked. However, it appears that the healing is automatic and not caused at will.

- Dust usage: To use the power of Dust, humans and Faunus must use their Aura to trigger it. The user's Aura allows them harness Dust and utilize their elemental power.

- Extrasensory perception: In the Emerald Forest, Pyrrha explains that Aura allows you to feel like you were being watched without knowing that someone was there, while showing that Ren stopped walking and narrowed his eyes before a King Taijitu appeared behind him. Lie Ren was also able to sense Tyrian Callows approaching Team RNJR in "Tipping Point" and warn his team to prepare for battle. Fox is shown to use Aura to orientate and balance himself due to his blindness.

Camouflage: Her Faunus trait allows her to change the color of her skin, eyes and hair. This gives her the ability to hide from others by blending in with the environment, which she uses with great skill. Like a real chameleon, her skin seems to change with her emotions. For example, in "Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back", when she becomes frustrated, her skin turns red, and her hair, eyes and skin spots turn yellow. Following this, she takes on a more sorrowful expression, with her skin turning green and her hair, eyes and skin spots turning blue. In certain cases, her eyes or skin spots may change without her skin changing. Ilia's trait is described as rare for the Faunus.

Tsuyu Asui


Frog: Tsuyu's Quirk gives her a frog's physiology and allows her to do anything a frog can, giving her abilities such as:

Enhanced swimming abilities.

Hopping at long distances.

Extending her tongue up to a maximum of 20 meters (which is strong enough to lift an entire person's body weight).

Sticking to walls.

Ejecting/washing her stomach.

Camouflaging herself.

Secreting mucous with different, controlled effects:

Itch inducing

Scent masking


Super Moves

Camouflage: Tsuyu uses her frog-like body to match the temperature and color of her surroundings in order to mask her presence.

Meteor Fafrotskies: Tsuyu and Ochaco work together to float debris and throw it at the enemies.

Who am I rooting for: Tsuyu Asui

Who do I think will win: not sure, what do you guys think

I'm pretty sure it's obvious when you look at it but yes I did not write all this out with the exception of a few things. There was no way I'm writing all of their skills, I just took all this from the wiki and copied and pasted it. Anyway you can tell me in the comments if you would enjoy this as a fight or who you think would win. If I missed a point at the top you can tell me and ill add it but anyway as always goodbye.

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