Archie Knuckles Vs Juggernaut

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(Archie Comics Vs Marvel)

- Both have magical gems that give them power

Archie Knuckles


Knuckles is one of the strongest figures on Mobius due to his super strength, combat training at a young age and his chaos powers. Due to having altered DNA from his father's genetic experiments, Knuckles has strength far beyond that of an average mobian. His brute strength is his equivalent to Sonic the Hedgehog's speed, which enables him to perform feats such as shattering boulders with his fists and punching through extremely durable robots with ease. He is also capable of spinning his fists so fast that they turn into something resembling saw-blades; with this move his fists are able to saw through almost anything, and his punches become even more devastating. Knuckles is also a well-trained fighter with a specialty in punching due to the claws on his knuckles. As a testament to his power and fighting ability, Knuckles is one of the very few individuals on Mobius who can match Sonic in intense combat, and has done so many times. His raw power even enables him to block or sometimes push back the Sonic Spin, one of Sonic's signature attacks. Knuckles even managed to best his Great Uncle Dimitri/Enerjak in one-on-one combat; however, it was only while he was not using his full chaos powers. Knuckles can also be pretty quick and has very fast reflexes, being capable of quickly dodging barrages of gunfire and life-ending traps all at once. His quick reflexes even let him block and dodge Sonic's blinding speed in their battles. Knuckles has also been shown to be able to perform a variation of the Sonic Spin, as seen when he used it to destroy Metal Sonic.

Due to being exposed to a Chaos Emerald's radiation while still in his egg, combined with the DNA of his Guardian predecessors, Knuckles possesses chaos abilities far beyond that of almost any being on Mobius. This mutation caused Knuckles to evolve into the most powerful member among the Brotherhood of Guardians, having all the abilities of his ancestors on even greater scale. Additionally, Knuckles is the only member who could draw power directly from the Chaos Force itself, similarly to Shadow the Hedgehog, whereas the older Guardians could only channel Chaos energy from the Chaos Emeralds or the Master Emerald. Powers that Knuckles has been granted by his mutation include the ability to rapidly recover from any injury, as well as heal others; the power to open portals to other places; the ability to generate matter from thin air; telekinesis; the ability to enhance his strength when needed by tapping into the Chaos Force and various others. Following his return from the afterlife, these powers remained dormant briefly, but were eventually reawakened when he was exposed to the Master Emerald once again for a long enough time. Like all Guardians, he possesses the ability to channel the Master Emerald's energy in battle, as used in his battle against Dr. Finitevus. He can utilize these powers in a variety of ways, such as Thunder Arrow.

Knuckles also has other abilities including being able to glide by using a mixture of his chaos powers and catching wind currents under his dreadlocks. By fully channeling Chaos energy, Knuckles can fly freely. By using his chaos powers, Knuckles is also capable of sensing Chaos energy and its location. Knuckles can also sense the life force of living beings by using chaos energy, even being able to detect individuals who are invisible, namely when he detected Espio while he spied on him. Due to the mutation Knuckles underwent in his egg, Knuckles is also the only Guardian who possesses an actual set of spikes on his fists. His spikes allow him to effortlessly climb surfaces and make his signature punches even more painful.


Hyper Knuckles

With the power of the Chaos Emeralds or something equivalent to it, Knuckles can transform into Hyper Knuckles. In this state, Knuckles' innate talents are increased many times over, his strength having increased a thousand fold and his link to the Chaos Force becomes more open. In addition, he gains the power of flight and virtual invulnerability.

Chaos Knuckles

As a result of Locke tampering with Knuckles' DNA, Knuckles eventually underwent a natural evolution into Chaos Knuckles. Because this form is more of a mutation of himself rather that an enhanced state, Knuckles could stay like this indefinitely. As Chaos Knuckles, Knuckles was the most powerful being in existence and virtually omnipotent. However, he lost this form permanently when returning from the afterlife.



Superhuman Strength: The Juggernaut possesses vast superhuman strength, the limits of which are unknown. He was able to go toe-to-toe against an enraged World War Hulk until the moment Cain was outsmarted and removed from the field of battle.

Superhuman Stamina: The mystical energies of Cyttorak that empower his musculature generate no fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting him limitless superhuman stamina in all physical activities.

Invulnerability: Cain is virtually impregnable to all forms of conventional physical injury, regardless of their magnitude or intensity. Although Cain is able to be harmed by exceedingly-high levels of mental or mystical attacks, these attacks have rarely been shown to cause any permanent damage.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his extreme resistance to physical damage, Cain can be damaged by sufficiently powerful forces, such as mystical forces. If damaged, Cain possesses an accelerated healing factor that enables him to nearly instantaneously regenerate any damaged or destroyed bodily tissues. For instance, he has been injured by Shatterstar's sword, which was forged from a mixture of extra dimensional technology and magic and healed instantly. The demon being D'Spayre once flayed the Juggernaut down to a skeleton only after absorbing almost all of the Juggernaut's power and even then, the Juggernaut could not be stopped and was able to instantly regenerate all the damage done once he regained his full power. The only other time the Juggernaut has been physically injured is by the likes of Thor in a physical battle, and that was only after Thor used Mjolnir to negate his mystical enchantment.

Immortality: Cain is functionally immortal. His aging process is completely halted and he is immune to the effects of all toxins, poisons and diseases. He is sustained by the mystical energies flowing through his body at all times and has no need to eat, drink or even breathe to survive.

Force Field: The Juggernaut is capable of generating a personal force field around himself, extending to about 1 foot in diameter. He uses this force field to heighten his already-impressive resistance to injury. In his earliest appearances, he is able to use this force-generating ability to hurl people and objects near him away from him, though now it seems to function only defensively.

Rampant Charge: Once he begins to advance in a certain direction, it is virtually impossible to halt his movement. Some obstacles, such as many tons of rocks and plasma-discharge cannons, have slowed his pace, but can't stop him. The only known examples of him being stopped involve physical force with mystical involvement, which is Juggernaut's sole weakness. Thor unleashing his power was able to stop him in his tracks, but his powers are mystical in origin (it should be noted that Thor was severely hampered at the time as he was extremely weakened by an extra dimensional malady) and during a battle with War (Hulk), in which the mutant Apocalypse increased the Hulk's strength and power enormously by grafting Celestial tech to him, which again involved mysticism.

Juggernaut is able to summon and remove his mystical armor at will. As a result of his days in the military and his experience as a superhuman criminal and hero, the Juggernaut is a brutal hand-to-hand combatant, preferring to use street fighting and brawling techniques that allow him to make full use of his great strength.

Who I'm rooting for: not sure

Who I think will win: this is a lot unclear for me than I first thought, have heard of the insane shit that juggernaut could do but based off of what I have gathered for Archie Knuckles he's definitely not a pushover either

If this would be a death bottle I would have a feeling that they would probably give it to juggernaut but I'm not too sure.

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