Android 16 Vs Omega

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(Dragon Ball Z Vs Sonic)

- Both were made to be killing machines but then bypassed that programming

Android 16


Flight – The ability to fly without the use of ki.

Energy Attack – The most basic form of energy wave used by androids.

Bear Hug – A torture hold used against Perfect Cell.

Power Radar – A scouter-like device embedded within the android's eyes (sensors) that can detect energy level and location. Unlike the regular scouters, however, it does not explode upon encountering too high a power level (as far as it is shown in the series). Alternatively, it could be that the power sensors that Gero built simply have a much higher threshold for power sensing, not necessarily that their measurements cannot hit a limit. In Dragon Ball FighterZ, it is revealed by Android 16 that his Power Radar is unable to detect Godly ki as he is unable to read Goku's power level in his Super Saiyan Blue form.

Eye Beam – A synthetic form of Eye Laser. Android 16 used this attack against Cell.

Hell's Flash – Android 16 lifts his opponent and tosses them to the ground, then he removes his hands, revealing two built-in cannons, and charges up energy before shouting "Hell Flash!!" to release a powerful beam of energy that scorches the opponent. Android 16 used Hell's Flash against Imperfect Cell, attempting to kill him before he could absorb Androids 17 and 18.

Full Power Hell Flash - A full powered version of Hell's Flash fired at maximum output.

Machine Impact – A dashing shoulder block attack that Android 16 used against Cell.

Rocket Punch – A technique where Android 16 launches one of his arms or fists at his opponent in the manner of a rocket, and then it explodes on colliding with someone or something.

Self Destruct Device – Originally intended to be used against Goku, a self-destruct device implanted within Android 16 can incite arguably his most powerful technique. In an act of suicide, Android 16 sneaks behind his opponent, grabbing them and then detonating the bomb inside his chest. Android 16 tries using the self-destruct device against Perfect Cell but fails due to the unforeseen removal of the bomb by Bulma and her father, Dr. Brief, who were very surprised to find that such a powerful bomb had been embedded inside.



An elite combat robot with high fighting capabilities, Omega is the most powerful and impressive robot in Dr. Eggman's E-Series, and has even been called the world's most powerful robot.

With his entire body being a full-fledged weapon, Omega has a huge array of extremely destructive weapons and machines concealed in his arms which he can switch at will by reconfiguring his forearms or hands to execute a variety of attacks. These include rapid-fire rotary cannons (Omega Machine Gun), flamethrowers (Omega Fire), missile launchers (Omega Missile), fireball launchers (Omega Launcher), multiple semi-automatic single-barreled wrist cannons for firing pellets (Omega Shot) and homing lasers (Lock-On Shot), powerful black miniguns, a double-barreled laser gun that extends from his forearm, unconventional drill-shaped missiles, and laser beam cannons that can fire destructive lasers across a wide area. He can likewise retract his hands into their sockets for scooping up Shadow and Rouge in balls and either use them as melee weapons or launch them as fireballs.

Omega appears to be armed with explosive rounds for his machine guns, as evidenced by the damage he caused to the base he was sealed in by only firing for a few seconds. However, certain weapons of his require the use of magazines as opposed to storing all his ammunition in bulk inside himself. While Omega appears to possess some form of targeting systems for his arsenal, he tends to be rather inaccurate however, most notably when he fired in every direction when first meeting Shadow with the expectation that some of them would hit.

Classified as a Power Type, Omega has demonstrated considerable feats of physical strength that easily rivals the likes of Knuckles, Big and Vector; during the Neo Metal Sonic incident, he was shown being capable of smashing giant boulders and metal with ease using only his fists. Being a robot, Omega is equipped with sturdy body armor[4] too which makes him extremely durable. Notably, Omega easily survived being in Crisis City while in standby mode for collectively two centuries. Omega is also equipped with jet boosters built into his back which he can utilize to help him accelerate and glide just above the ground and even move at speeds rivaling Shadow and Rouge's, as seen during their first adventure. He can also use it to increase the height of his jumps and hover through midair over long distances. In addition, despite what his bulky frame might imply, Omega is also shown to have great reflexes and acrobatic skills, enough to let him do tricks and movements while in mid-air, pull off various Spin Attack maneuvers at high speed, and grind on Grind Rails with ease.

Omega is likewise effective in hand-to-hand combat, able to perform dash punches and spinning back punches. Unlike most other robots, Omega is also able to perform the Spin Attack, a technique where he curls into a concussive ball or cutting disk and directs himself at him targets. With it, Omega can shred or burrow through just about any substance given enough speed. Adept in its usage, Omega can utilize several variants of the Spin Attack for both ground- and aerial maneuvers, including the Spin Dash, Spin Jump, and Homing Attack.

Omega appears to be waterproof as he does not short circuit when submerged in waters like in Frog Forest or Lost Jungle as seen during the Neo Metal Sonic incident. Omega also has scanners that allow him to examine both machinery and living beings based on their acquired ID. He is also equipped with some kind of built-in sensor that allows him to locate enemies, life forms and various other objects, such as switches.

As seen during Dodon Pa's Grand Prix, Omega also has excellent skills when it comes to driving and racing in race cars like the Cross Dozer.

Who I'm rooting for: not sure

Who I think will win: this one actually might be really close, I think it all depends on how strong Omega is to be honest which im not sure about.

I personally really like this fight but I definitely have another fight with Omega.

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