Force Sense: Rey utilizes Force sense to sense another sentient being's emotions, the future, ripples in the Force caused by momentous or traumatic events, or impending danger and the presence of the dark side. She learned this when Kylo attempted to use it against her.

Force Healing: Rey utilizes Force Healing to heal herself or other sentient beings. Using this ability, she was able to heal Ben Solo of a mortal wound she herself inflicted. She also used this ability on a vexis snake.

Force Dash: Rey utilizes Force Dash to move at amazing speeds.

Force Jump: Rey utilizes Force Jump to jump or leap at great distances. She performed this ability twice on at least two separate occasions, once while dodging Ren's fighter and during her battle with Ren.

Force Rage: Rey utilizes Force Rage to channel her anger to increase her speed, strength and ferocity. However, doing so runs the risk of being corrupted by the dark side.

Battle Meditation: Rey utilized Battle Meditation, allowing her to renew her morale, stamina, and overall battle prowess. This allowed her to defeat the more skilled, yet injured, Kylo Ren in battle by meditating on the Force as Maz Kanata taught her.

Force Bond Connection: As a consequence of them being a Force dyad, Rey and Kylo have a Force bond that connects them at random moments. During the connection, they are able to see, talk and touch each other through spaces. As their connections grew stronger, they became able to even transport objects between places during a Force-bond connection. She used this ability to send the Skywalker lightsaber to Ben Solo.

Force Lightning: Rey can use Force lightning, but she has no control over it. This may be result of her being the granddaughter of Darth Sidious, which made her inherit his signature ability, or simply result of the dark side of the Force dominating her in moments of fury. In anger, Rey accidentally used this power to destroy a First Order transport. After experiencing this power and believing that she killed Chewbacca with it, Rey never used it again.

Skilled Staff Fighter: Rey is skilled in staff fighting, having used her staff for much of her life. She later adapted her fighting skills with the staff to use a lightsaber in combat.

Lightsaber Skills: Rey is a very gifted duelist. She first learned to fight with her quarterstaff while she was living on Jakku and was able to adapt her skills to use a lightsaber. Rey was able to defeat the Dark Jedi Kylo Ren, despite him being far more skilled and experienced in lightsaber combat then she is. She was able to overpower him after meditating on the Force as Maz Kanata taught her. However, it should also be noted that Kylo had already been wounded by Chewbacca, was emotionally unstable because of Han Solo's death and had no intention to kill Rey, and thus he was not at the peak of his strength. Despite her short time training with Luke, she improved enough that she was able to fight Supreme Leader Snoke's Praetorian Guards on even terms alongside Kylo Ren and eventually with his aid, overpower and kill the eight deadly warriors.

Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Rey is skilled in unarmed combat.

Skilled Markswoman: Rey is skilled in utilizing blaster pistols.

Master Pilot: Rey is highly skilled in piloting various speeders and every type of flight craft.

Master Engineer: As a scavenger, Rey has a good understanding of engineering and the things she collects. She knows multiple different machines and ships, which proves useful when she accidentally comes into possession of the Millennium Falcon. She knew how to work a ship's computer and circuitry systems. which allowed her to prevent the Millennium Falcon from breaking apart by removing one of the ship's circuits.

Multilingual: Rey is currently capable of fluently speaking English, Shyriiwook, and Binary.


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