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Harry was nervous once more today when his father texted him stating he's outside his house.

He took a deep breath before texting him back, telling him to come in and head straight to the backyard.

After he spots his dad and his dads family he frowns. Once he gets up it's over.

Harry looks over at his mom when she spots her ex-husband. Harry mouths sorry to her before she just gives him a half smile.

"Hugh, it's nice to have you here." Nicole speaks. Everyone looks over to spot Harry and Gemma's father standing with his family.

"Hello everyone. How are you all?" Hugh waves at the table.

Everyone just looks at him genuinely confused.

"Hugh, why don't you have a seat."

"Thank you." Everyone moves over a bit to make room for Harry's father and his family.

Hugh was now sitting right next to Harry.

"Hello son." Hugh goes to hug him.

Harry starts freaking out a bit. He decides to just give him a side hug, that way his belly isn't touching his father.

Hugh just smiles at everyone before they start talking amongst themselves.

Zayn looks at his boyfriend lovingly as he grabs his hand and kisses the back of it.

"You okay?"

"Hmm? Yeah, I'm fine. I think-I think I just need to rip off the bandaid, yeah? I mean, the longer I hold off standing up the longer I'm gonna lose the courage to tell him."

"If that's what you think is best. You know I'm here for you beauty." Zayn caresses Harry's cheek."

"Yeah, I know." Harry gives him a small smile before kissing him gently on the lips.

"Dad, there's something I need to show you." Harry sighs.

Hugh looks over at his son with a bit of a smile.

"What's going on prince?" Hugh asked.

Harry grabs Zayn hand before closing his eyes, taking a deep breath, and finally showing his father his baby bump.

"Oh?" Hugh was a bit lost for words.

"I'm- I'm carrying your grand child."

"Wow! I-I don't know what to say. I mean, wow. You're actually pregnant son? This is- It's a bit of news for me."

Harry bites his bottom lip nervously.

"Hugh, say something." His wife eyes widened as he sees Harry's on the verge of tears.

"I'm happy for you. I just- I didn't expect this I guess. But, this is my first grand baby. I'm gonna love that kid no matter what. Do you-do you know what you're having?" Hugh asked.

Harry finally let's out a breath. It felt good that everything was out in the open.

Harry thought that was gonna be the worst thing ever. And even though Harry's not at the stage where he's ready to let his father in, it's nice to know that at least Poe will have another grandparent by her side.

"A girl. Her names Poetic, Poe for short." Harry states.

"That's beautiful. I can't wait to meet this little one." Hugh stand up himself before giving Harry a hug.

"Congratulations, son. I'm proud of you."

And just like that, Harry felt good again. Things were looking up.

Now, all he has to do is get through Christmas.

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