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Zayn and Harry were a bit awkward at first.

Being alone today wasn't the same as yesterday. The two talked the whole time last night and just enjoyed one another.

Now they were in a dark room watching a movie and it didn't feel like two casual people enjoying each other's company. This felt more like a date and neither of them knew how to act or what to say.

That was until Harry decided to be the bold one for once and break the tension.

"Can we just, i don't know, talk? The silence between us is making me anxious."

Zayn sighs in relief himself.

"You felt it too?" Zayn asked before he goes over to the projector and shuts it off.


"I'm sorry Harry, I'm not trying to make things awkward between us. I know you're feeling weird being stuck in my home and barely knowing me. I just thought, maybe we could hang out. Just the two of us."

Harry nods understandably.

"I get it. I want to get to know you too Zayn. It's just a bit weird when we're both so-"


Harry hums.

"Well, tell me something. Something personal that you've never told anyone before and I'll tell you as well."

Harry furrows his brows.

"What good would that do?"

"My therapist taught me it. She told me that it helps create a better connection with someone and clears the air and awkwardness. It's actually the only way I make new friends."


Harry thinks about it before sighing.

"My recent boyfriend only dated me because he wanted to make his ex girlfriend jealous. But the worse thing is, every boyfriend I've ever had only used me for shit. Some to get to my mom, some for my sister, some only used me for sex, and some only cared about the fame of dating me. Their were even a few that weren't gay or bisexual and just dated me for the spotlight and dumped me for another celebrity that caught their eye. I guess what I'm saying is, I'm afraid that I'll end up like my mom. Getting pregnant with some assholes child only for him to leave me and me never falling in love again because I'm afraid that it'll happen again."


"I'm sorry."

"No, this is good! I guess it's my turn, yeah?"

Harry nods.

"Well, I don't know if I've ever been in love. I mean, i know we talked about this yesterday but the way you talked about it, it made me realize that I've never felt like that, with anyone. I wanna have that Harry. I wanna be in love like that and just be happy. I want my daughter to actually like the person i end up with but obviously not compare them to her mom. I just want to fall in love with someone who's willing to have kids with me and willing to love me for me, including my flaws. I want love at first sight Harry, I want the spark, the love, and the heartache. I just don't know if I'm looking in the right direction." Zayn explain.

"If you have to ask, you're not. Zayn, love is outside the box. Most people just look for the same things, the same people, the same looks. People don't understand that beauty is not just on the outside but also on the inside. Everyone claims they have a specific type. Blondes, Brunettes, Skinny, Thick, but you can't look at it like that. While you're looking for a skinny, white, brunette, or hell, even looking for the opposite sex, your soulmate could be right in front of your eyes, waiting for you to claim them as theirs." Harry explains.

Zayn looks into Harry's eyes.


Harry noticed Zayn's hands were caressing His.

Harry gulps.


Zayn smiles at Harry while he starts to caress his face.

"You're beautiful Harry." Zayn whispers.


"You have the most beautiful eyes."

"So do you."

"Maybe you're right H. Maybe we should all start looking outside the box."

Harry gets a bit nervous as Zayn leans in.

Is he gonna kiss me? He thought.

They were soon inches away from touching each other's lips when Noëlle starts screaming.

Zayn sighs.

"I should go get that."

Harry clears his throat.

"Yeah. I should get to bed. It's getting late."

Zayn nods.

"Me too. Goodnight, Harry."

"Goodnight, Zayn."
So Close!!!

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