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Harry honestly didn't want to go have dinner with his dad and meet his family. He didn't want to sit there and chat with people who didn't know he existed until three minutes ago.

He dreaded waking up the next morning because he knew if he didn't go his sister and mom would be miserable.

Harry didn't understand why they both agreed to this dinner in the first place. Harry sighs as Zayn kisses him good morning.

"I really am not looking forward for tonight."

Zayn sighs as he rubs Harry's back.

"I know babe, but it's gonna be good, yeah? Your mom and sister will be there and I'll be by your side myself. This could be good for you, yeah? You'll actually get some sort of closure. And if you never want to see him again, you don't have to."

"I guess you're right." Harry sighs.

"I know I am. How bout we make it a fun day? That way it'll be less dreadful when we head to your fathers."

"How so?"

"I can run us a bath this morning," Zayn lifts Harry so he's now lying in between his legs.

"Yeah? Than what?"

"I'll make you feel amazing. Rub your shoulders, lather you in soap, wash your hair." Zayn states.

"So far, I'm loving this."

"Then I'll make us some breakfast, bring it up, and we can lie in bed all day."

"Sounds amazing. I have one little suggestion though."

Zayn kisses Harry right below his ear.

"What's that?"

"I would love if you'd do that one thing I really, really like."

"You don't mean?" Zayn smirks.

Harry hums.

"Yeah, that thing."

"Whatever my baby boy wants today, he gets!"

Harry chuckles as Zayn gets out of bed and runs them a bath.
"So, how'd I do? Did you like it?" Zayn sets his guitar down.

He had just finished playing a song Harry suggested.

Zayn and Harry made this a bit of a routine within the third week of their relationship.

Harry would suggest a song that he loved and Zayn would sing it for him.

Today Harry suggested Zayn sing You are not alone by Michael Jackson.

"I loved it."

"Really? Did you really like it? Cause I'm thinking of doing an official cover and posting it on my Instagram."

Harry gently grabs Zayns face.

"I think it's amazing Zayn. You have a beautiful voice. I think it'll be a great idea that you post it."

Zayn smiles happily before kissing him passionately.

"You know, I've never been more in love with you until right now."

"That sounded a bit like an insult." Harry chuckles as Zayn rolls his eyes playfully.

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah, I understand. I just love messing with you a bit. I love you as well. You're the perfect boyfriend. I love you to pieces Zee."

Zayn just smiles lovingly before kissing Harry once more.

"Alright Love birds, what do you two want for dinner?" Sarah comes through the door along with Holland, Chloe, and Halle.

"Moms! Fuck, I forgot you had a key."

Zayn states.

"What's the problem? You two are fully clothed."

"Not the point mom. The point is we could have been naked. And if we were I don't think I could ever look you in the eyes again.

"Calm down prince. We get it! I promise next time I'll ask if it's safe to come in." Sarah states.

"Mom, You're free to come in any time you like. Just wasn't expecting you so soon."

Sarah kisses her sons cheek.

"Okay prince. Now, what is it that you and Harry want for dinner?"

"We actually have a thing."

"A thing?" Holland asked.

"Yeah, his dad wants to have dinner with us."

"Your dad?" Why? All of a sudden he's a father to you and Gem now?" Holland said out loud.


"I'm sorry, it's the truth. Do you wanna go Harry?"

"Not really. But Zayns right, I should go, get some closure, and move on. It's best I do it now than later."

"Well alright. If it's what you want. I'm supportive. I guess we're gonna have a girls day today." Holland states.

"Speaking of, we should probably get ready."

Harry sighs before Zayn grabs his hand and they walk upstairs.

He was definitely dreading this already.

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