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🔴 zayn is live

zzzayn- omfg, zayn's actually live!?

zaynews- are we seeing this correctly? did zee just go live?

zaponzayn- omfg, zee is actually live.

mindofzayn- we must have traveled to an alternate universe. there is no way that our mans is live.

"Yes guys, I'm actually live! How are you all? How do you like the album so far?"

zaynsworld- im obsessed with it!

zzzayn- every song is a banger.

zattoos- icarus falls is on repeat.

"I'm really glad that you guys love it. Sorry for the long wait though."

zaynupdates2- where are you at right now?

"I actually recently bought a new farmhouse. So I'm at home. Recording in my studio."

zzzayn- it looks really nice. can you do a house tour soon?

"Maybe, someday. It's a bit big though."

zaynsgirl- are you and your ex back together?

"No. She's still happy with her boyfriend. I'm really happy for her!"

sarahpaulson- missing you my baby.

hollandtaylor- love you.

"I love you guys too. Come by to visit soon mom and mamma."

ryanreynolds- I'm your biggest fan!! I'll leave blake for you.

Zayn laughs. "That's good to know!"

zzzayn- what's your favorite track on the album?

"I really love Back to Life or Imprint."

spongebobmemes- do you watch cartoons with your daughter?

"I do actually! She's really into peppa pig. She giggles a lot at the pink thing. It's adorable."

zylashes- are you planning on having more children someday?

"I do actually. I want at least five kids. I've grown with a only two siblings but I had so many cousins around. I knew from there I definitely wanted to have a few children myself."

There was noise in the background.

Zayn looked behind him to see Harry coming into view. He looks back at the camera to make sure he wasn't in it.

He lets out a breath when he noticed he wasn't.

"I'll be back later guys. Gotta go take care of something." Zayn states before he ends the live and heads towards Harry.

"I forgot you said you're going live. Did they see me?" Harry asked nervously.

Zayn shakes his head.

The two agreed they were gonna wait until after the baby was born to tell the world about them.

"That's good."

Zayn wraps his arms around Harry's waist and gently rubs his belly.

"I can't wait to find out what we're having."

"Two more months before we finally find out."

"Right after, I'm gonna decorate their room."

"Shouldn't we be decorating Noëlle's room first?" Harry chuckles a bit.

"Of course! I've already have a few things set up." Zayn spins Harry around.

Zayn sways the both of them back and forward.

"What are you doing?"

"When we're finally out to the world. I'm gonna take you on a proper date. We'll go to a dinner, then a movie, while we come home and dance, then I'm gonna make love to you all night. How's that sound?"

Harry blushes.

"Sounds perfect." Harry whispers.

Zayn leans his forehead on Harry's.

"I love you my darling."

"I love you."

The two proceed to sway before going upstairs and falling into a deep slumber.
Even in the story Zayn says he'll go live again and doesn't


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