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baby boy🧡
my back is starting to hurt. 🥺

sorry love. ill be home at around ten-thirty to give you a nice massage

baby boy🧡
please hurry. im really hurting here.

baby boy🧡
and by hurry i don't mean hurry hurry.. it's noëlle's second halloween. i don't want you to rush or anything. enjoy your time with her and her family.

thank you baby. but i promise ill be home to give you a nice and loving massage.

baby boy🧡
whats noëlle wearing?

she's dressed as peppa pig! it's so adorable baby. she keeps on saying "eppa, eppa, eppa." it's the cutest thing ever. i love this little girl so much! i can't wait until next year though. it'll be noëlle's first halloween as a big sister and poe's first halloween. the kids are gonna look so cute!

baby boy🧡
i don't want to think that far in. our girl will be seven months by then. i can't 🥺

we should dress them in cute little princesses outfits next year! it'll be so cute. noë can be princess aurora or cinderrella and poe can be princess snow or belle.

baby boy🧡
or they can be elsa and anna and me, you, and noë's mom can dress up as other characters in the movie!

baby, that's a genius! i love that idea.

baby boy🧡
we're already planning halloween for next year. we've become actual parents. i mean, you been a parent for a year but im new to this! can't believe that this is still happening

i know. it's insane.

baby boy🧡
we're gonna have two kids on our hands next year. chrismas, thanksgiving, halloween, easter, it's all gonna be so different come next year.

it will definitely be something. but this year will be different too harry. your family, my family, noë's family will all be together this year at our place. so much has changed. but i wouldn't want anything any other way.

baby boy🧡
me either. i love this and i love you. i love your family, i love noë's family, i love my family, i love our family.

me too baby, me too.

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