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hey, how are things at zayns?

they're good.

things aren't too awkward for you there?

actually no. it's a bit more comfortable now.

that's good! guessing you took my advice and talked to him?

something like that.


have you talk to your mom recently?

fuck, no! in all this craziness i haven't talked to her or gem in a while.

figured. she called me because she thought i was with you. where the hell has your cellphone went? she tried calling you a few times but you didn't answer.

ive just been busy. you're actually the first person i texted in a while. ive had my phone off for a bit.

busy with? you're literally stuck in a strangers house in quarantine. what could you possibly be busy with, that you couldn't call you mom or sister?

ive just been having a bit of fun is all. im about to call her now. talk to you later ken. love you!

love you too! tell mama i love her as well!!!
Harry bites his lip before dialing the familiar number and waiting for her to answer.

"Where the hell have you been at Harry? You had me worried sick something was going on."

"I'm sorry mama. I've just been a bit busy. I turned my phone off and all."

"That's not like you. You always keep your phone on incase of emergency. What's going on baby?"

"Nothing mom. My phone has just been blowing up for a while. I needed a break from it."

Harry hears his mom sigh in relief.

"Okay baby. Please keep your phone on for me though. With everything going on I need to keep updated with my children."

"I know mama. I'm sorry."

"It's okay darling. Are you safe at this guys house?"

"Yeah. He's really been a good host." Harry smiles at the thought of Zayn.

"That's good baby. How's Ari doing? Heard she was there with you. I would have called her but being newly engaged I was sure she was too busy gushing over her fiancé."

Harry chuckles.

"A little bit. But no, she's good. Unfortunately Dalton couldn't make it in time, so it's just the four of us here. Oh, and the baby."

"Four? Baby?"

"Uh, yeah. Me, Zayn, Ari, and Selena. Zayn has a kid so she's here as well."

"Awe, how cute. How old is she?"

"I think three months. Maybe four?"

"That's adorable. I remember when you and Gem were babies. I miss it. Can't wait until you or your sister gives me grandchildren."

"Gem will probably give you em' first." Harry chuckles.

"Maybe not. You seeing anyone? Make them give me grandbabies."


"I'm kidding darling. Maybe."

Harry rolls his eyes playfully at his mom.

"How are you mama? Are you by yourself during the pandemic?"

"Actually baby, no. I have a friend over."

Harry furrows his eyes.

"A guy friend?"

"What? No! I'm with your auntie Jenny."

"Oh. How is she?"

"I'm good, thanks for asking my harbear."

Harry cringes at the name.

"Hello Auntie Jen. That's good to hear."

"Anyway darling. We should let you go. Jen and I are gonna binge watch a few of our own movies."

Harry laughs. "Okay mom. Love you."

"Love you too darling."

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