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The next morning Harry woke up with a huge smile on his face.

Last night had to be one of the best dates he's been on. It was a real one for once.

Zayn wasn't asking him about his mom and her career or his sister. He just wanted to get to know Harry. It was honestly refreshing.

Harry makes his bed up and heads to the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush his teeth before heading downstairs.

"Good-morning, everyone." Harry smiles happily.

"Well aren't you chipper?" Ariana smirks.

"I've always been a morning person Ari." Harry rolls his eyes as he opens the fridge.

"Yeah, and I always hated it." Ari groans.

Selena just chuckles as she sips her coffee.

"Lighten up Ari. I think he's got the love bug." Selena wiggles her eyebrows.

Harry just smiles and ignored them both as he grabs a pot and starts making eggs.

"Anyone hungry?"

"I could eat." Ariana states.


Harry nods before he cracks open more eggs to make for everyone.

Ari and Selena continue to talk to one another until the hear a creak.

They all turn and spot Zayn holding his daughter before putting her down in her play pin.

"Daddy will be right over there." Zayn states as he kisses his daughter on the forehead.

"Morning, guys."

"Good morning, loser. Did you sleep well?" Selena asked.

"I slept okay. Noë actually let me sleep a lot more last night than usual."

"I barely heard her cry myself. Have you heard anything from her mom?"

Zayn nods.

"She called at like two in the morning. Said she felt like Noë was crying. Not even two seconds later she started to." Zayn chuckles.

"She misses her mom." Ari pouts.

"Yeah. Apparently we're gonna be stuck in lockdown a while longer. People are not following protocol by staying inside." Zayn rolls his eyes.

"That's fucked!"

"Yeah well, what do expect when their are conspiracy theories going around. It's really the medias fault."

"Finished with breakfast." Harry states.

Zayn smiles before walking up to Harry.

"Good morning, Harry." Zayn kisses his cheek gently before making himself a plate.

Harry blushes when he sees Ari and Sel smirking at him.


"How'd you sleep love?"

"I slept okay."

Zayn hums.

"Well, I was thinking, you up for another date? It'll obviously have to be in my house but I have plenty of things we can do. Do you play pool?"

"I do actually. Not any good but I play."

Zayn chuckles.

"Good! Cause I was thinking we could play a game of pool and just talk."

"Sounds fun."

Zayn smiles.

"Second date already? Things getting serious already?" Ari wiggles her eyebrows.

"It's just a second date Ariana. We're taking things slow." Harry states.

"Exactly! No need to rush. We're still getting to know one another." Zayn looks into Harry's eyes.

"Right." Harry states staring back into Zayns eyes.

Selena and Ariana give each other a look.

They knew this was a good sign that they'll be dating by the end of the week.

Normally that would worry both girls.

Ariana knew Zayn and Harry tend to fall fast for someone and by the second week they're both saying 'I love you.' to whoever they're dating.

Selena knew Zayn well enough to rush through all of his relationship. I mean, only three years of dating his ex and they were already having a kid.

But for some reason the two felt a sense of relief.

They both got the feeling that this was it for the both of them.

And that made them happy.

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