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Zayn and Harry had their first appointment today to check on their baby.

They were super anxious but extremely excited. The two didn't waste time in getting ready early in the morning, even though the appointment wasn't until this afternoon.

Zayn calls his moms to see if they can watch Noëlle for awhile.

Zayn couldn't stop rubbing Harry's stomach as he finishes up the phone call with his parents.

"Can they watch her? Or do we have to call my mom?" Harry asked.

"They're free." Zayn smiles before pecking Harry's lips.

"Good." Harry says happily.

"You ready to meet out little prince or princess?"

Harry hums.

"I'm really ready for this. I'm just nervous as well. I mean, I'm growing a tiny human inside of me. I'm gonna be responsible for another person." Harry sighs happily.

"It's a scary feeling, yeah? But it's also really exciting. We actually created a human person that we have to love and cherish the rest of our lives. Its surreal." Zayn explained.

"Yeah." Harry kisses Zayn before they hear the front door open and close.

"Prince? Mamma and I are here." They heard Holland's voice.

"Okay mom. We're coming down."

Zayn grabs Harry's hand before they head downstairs.

Zayn greets his moms with a hug and kiss.

Harry hugs them before grabbing his car keys.

"Where are you two headed?" Sarah asked.

Zayn and Harry just look at each other before smiling.

"Just date night."

Zayn and Harry already had a plan on how to tell everyone they're expecting.

They were gonna just get someone to make a cake with the picture of the ultrasound.

"Okay. You two be safe." Holland states with a smile.

"We will mom. Love you! Noëlle is still sound asleep. She should be up soon though."


Zayn kisses their cheeks one last time before the two finally walk out the door.
"How are we feeling today Mister Styles?"

"I'm good. Had a bit of morning sickness earlier today but other than that, I'm good."

"That's great to hear. It's gonna be a bit more of morning sickness for a little while but you should be good after you reach your second trimester."

Harry nods.

"Lift up your shirt for me?"

Harry lifts up his shirt a bit.

"This is gonna be a bit cold."

The doctor applies the gel on his tummy before grabbing the wand and slowly rubs it around.

Harry and Zayn look at the ultrasound until the doctor points.

"You see that little speck right there. That'll be your baby." The doctor smiles at the couple.

"They're so tiny." Harry whispers before shedding a single tear.

Zayn looks down at him and leans on him a bit.

"That's our baby."

Zayn has been here before with his ex.

He was excited when he saw that they created someone.

But this feeling, it was new.

Zayn felt a different sense of comfort. With his ex girlfriend it was a baby to fix their relationship. The baby was created only for them to be happy again.

They both knew it was wrong but they didn't care. They were still madly in love with one another. Zayn would do anything to keep her in his life, even if that meant having a baby for the wrong reasons.

But with Harry, he felt comfortable. This baby was created out of pure love and devotion.

Zayn couldn't believe that his life has changed in such a short time.

"Do you guys want a picture?"

Both Harry and Zayn nod.

"Okay. I'll make sure i print one out. Now, here's what to expect during your first trimester."

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