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Zayn kisses his daughter on the cheek one last time before her grandmother kisses him on the forehead and waves bye.

Zayn sighs when he sees them drive off before heading inside.

"Don't be so down! You'll see her after quarantine. Hell, you'll probably see her before." Selena states.

"I know. I just enjoy her being around. The only terrible thing about co-parenting."

Selena hugs him tightly.

"You'll be fine Zayn. She'll be fine! Besides, isn't this a good thing? You finally get to do your little mini dates with Harry without any distractions."

Zayn smiles at that.

"Yeah. Guess you have a point."

"I know I do, I always have a point Zayn. You just rarely listen to me."

Zayn shoves her gently before heading into the living room and spotting Ariana and Harry.

"Finally! We've been waiting on you two."

"For?" Zayn asked as he plops down next to Harry and kisses him gently.

Ariana and Selena eyes widened.


"Since when do you two kiss on the mouth?"

"Since yesterday." Zayn shrugs like it wasn't a big deal.

"What?! And you didn't tell us?" Ariana states.

"That is correct! We just knew you would freak out." Zayn shrugs.

"What about me? I wouldn't have."

"It didn't come up in any conversation we were having."

"You could have just told me any time period."

"Sel, last night we were literally talking about the alien apocalypse. How was that suppose to go. 'I think I'd be able to become an ally with the aliens. Oh, yeah, by the way, Harry and I made out earlier."


Zayn rolls his eyes at the both of them.

"Well it happened. Moving on! What were you and Harry waiting on us for?" Zayn asked Ariana.

"Hold on, I have questions!"

"Yes, the kiss was fucking fantastic! You think if it weren't I'd kiss him again? Can we please move on?"

"Fine! Harry and I said tonight should be movie night. We all haven't had one since we've been here. And since my godchild is gone, though we'd all miss her, why not just chill out and have a scary movie marathon?!"

Zayn shrugs.

"Sure. You okay with that babe? Scary movies? They're my favorite genre's actually."

"Our!" Ariana corrected him.

Harry looks at him with a smile.

"It's your house."

"I know but, I want you to be comfortable. If you want to watch something else we can."

Harry shakes his head.

"It's okay. I'm fine with scary movies."

Zayn smiles hugely.

"Okay. Which should we watch first?"

"I was thinking we start with Scream? But of course we-"

"Watch it best to worst?" Zayn finishes her sentence.

"Exactly!" Ariana states as the two get up to go make the snacks.

"They're fucking ridiculous but you gotta love them." Selena says.

"Yeah, you gotta." Harry agrees.

But what Selena sees is him staring in Zayn's view directly.

Her breath hitched, but it was all good.

Harry was in love with Zayn.

when i see youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz