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Harry and Zayn was having a good day at home. They decided to just chill in Harry's apartment today and order take out.

The two stayed in bed, not really watching tv but still having it on.

They were talking about re-decorating the house when they get back to New York.

Zayn loved the dark colors while Harry wanted more vibrant colors. They compromised and decided to mix things up.

Harry also brought up a nursery for Noëlle. He wanted her to have a nice little room and knew Zayn didn't really have time to decorate her a room.

Harry agreed to help with that and Zayn couldn't be more happier. Harry was really stepping up when he didn't have to.

Things were great until they heard Harry's name on tv.

Harry frowns as Zayn turns up the volume.

They spot Chris being followed by TMZ reporters asking him questions about Harry.

"Are you and Harry back together?"

"No, we're not. He's dating someone else."

"Do you know who?"

Chris just shrugs.

"I have no idea. But I'm willing to continue being friends with Harry if he'll let me. We've had some great time together. It just wasn't meant to be."

"What do you have to say to the new boyfriend?"

"I hope you make him happy. He really deserves it. Bye guys, I'm late for a meeting."

Zayn looks over at Harry and pouts when he sees a frown on his face.

"What's the matter? Everything he said was positive."

"He's an asshole. He's only trying to make me look like the bad guy. Now everyone's gonna think I'm just denying a mutual relationship with him just because he dumped me. Ugh!" Harry groans before grabbing his phone and seeing he's trending on Twitter.

"See! People are calling me all kinds of names Zee."

Zayn looks at his phone and pouts harder.

"I'm sorry beauty. You don't deserve this. Maybe I should say something."


"What's up now?"

"He just put it out there I'm dating someone. Once you defend me it's public. People will speculate and neither of us are ready for that."

Zayn nods understandably.

Harry was absolutely right. They were ready to move forward and commit to one another but once the public knows about them things will change.

Harry and Zayn will get love from their fans, hate from some other fans, and both from the media. They're really just enjoying one another right now and they do not want to ruin that.

"This isn't fair though Harry."

"I'm not gonna go online and defend myself. It'll just make me look desperate. I'm gonna leave it alone and talks to my publicist about it. Maybe we can distract them with something."

Zayn nods.

"That's a great idea. I'll see if maybe sel or ari can do something."

Harry smiles.

"You're great! I love you."

Harry kisses him quickly before getting out of bed and calling his publicist.

Meanwhile Zayn text Ariana and Selena about maybe distracting the media with some news of their own.

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