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Zayn was furious when he saw what some grown ass adults were saying about Harry wearing a tutu.

It pissed him off more than words could explain. Normally shit like this he'd shrugged off. Rather it be him or his partner at the time, Zayn knew how to handle hate.

But he could tell that this really hurt Harry badly. He hated the look on his face when he saw some of those comments.

Zayn was going to say something but Harry stopped him. Harry didn't want anymore drama for today. He just wanted to move on and cuddle up to his boyfriend.

Zayn knew he was right. The two weren't ready to be outed and if Zayn defended his honor he knew people would suspect something going on between the two.

Instead he just held Harry tightly as he whispered how special and beautiful he really was.

Harry appreciated Zayns small gesture. Zayn soon hummed a tune that Harry's never heard before.

Harry looks up into his boyfriends eyes with a smile.

"What?" Zayn asked.

"Is that a new song?"

"Yeah. You like it?"

"It's nice. Can I maybe hear it?"

Zayn shakes his head.

"No, you have to wait for the album like every one else."

Harry pouts.

"But I'm your baby boy."

Zayn kisses the top of Harry's forehead.

"That may be, but you still have to wait. Trust me, it's worth it."

"How so?"

"Because most of the album was inspired but someone I fell for in such a short time. And I would love for that person to hear the songs when they're release."

Harry blushes.


"Yeah, Songs"

"How many are we talking about? You know, about this person you wrote them for?"

"So far? About six or seven. But I have more coming."

"Wow. You- you really wrote that many songs about me?"

"Now who said they were about you?" Zayn jokes.

"Zayn! I'm serious?"

"Okay, okay, yeah. I did. I know we've only been together for a short time but you've inspired me. I care so deeply for you Harry. You know that right?"

Harry knew Zayn cared for him in a way. Zayn always shows Harry how much he means to him, mentally and physically. But Harry had no idea Zayn cared about him enough to already write six songs about him. And he said he's not even done with half of them.

This made Harry realize how serious they really are. It's only been four months since they made thing official. In such a short time they've said I love you, they moved in together, and now Zayn was writing music about him.

Normally this would freak him out. This is usually the breaking point in the relationship. He was always moving too fast and his ex's would always run to the door. But now he's with someone who wants the same big commitment he wants. This excites Harry in so many ways.

Harry was ready for it all. Zayn was his soulmate and he wasn't going to let this man go for any reason.

And right now, Harry sees Zayn really feels the same way.

Harry climbs on top of his boyfriend and begins to kiss him passionately.

"Woah. Where did this come from?"

"I love you."

Zayn caresses Harry's cheek.

"I love you too baby."

"No, I mean, I'm hopelessly in love with you and I don't ever want this to end."

Zayn furrows his brow.

"Baby, where's this coming from?"

"You writing about me, about us. I knew we were both in this but I didn't know until now how much you were. I know it seems silly but it's not to me. Writing one song about me, sure, that's what musicians do yeah? Write a song or two about their relationship and spread them out into a few albums, but write six or more and put them on one album? This- This is what I needed to hear to know you fell hopelessly in love with with me as much as I did with you."

Zayn smiles hugely.

"Baby, how could you have not known that?"

Harry shrugs.

"I've always fallen fast Zayn. And this has always caused me to end up on my ass. I don't want that anymore."

"Harry, you don't need to worry about that with me. I'm with you babe. One hundred percent with you."

Harry cuddles up to Zayn while Zayn squeezes him gently.


"For now, for later, and forever."

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