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"You sure you don't wanna stay a few more days?" Zayn asked his parents.

They've been in the process of packing there things when Zayn finally woke up from his sleep.

He knew they wouldn't be far and he could visit them whenever but considering that things have only gotten worse over the last few days he doesn't know if it's a good idea.

He would definitely like for them to stay just a little while longer, Zayn enjoys having his parents around.

Sarah gently puts her hands on her sons cheek.

"Baby, we'll be fine. You're an adult! You don't need your mommies around all the time."

Zayn just frowns.

"I enjoy you being here."

"We know our prince. We'll come back in a few weeks. As long as it's safe." Holland assures him.

Zayn sighs.

"Okay. Be safe you two."

"We will baby. You be safe too! We love you."

"Love you." Zayn kisses both of his parents cheek before they walk out the door.

He sighs and turns to spot Selena behind him.

"Don't be a big baby. They're literally not that far from here." Selena jokes.

"I know! Just love having them here."

Selena hums.

"Understandable. They'll come and visit soon. In the meantime you don't have to be so secretive with Harry now." Selena states.

"I guess that's true." Zayn smiles hugely at that.

"But try not to give us too much pda?"

"No promises." Zayn smirks as he runs upstairs.

He gently opens the door and sees his boyfriend on the phone.

Harry smiles at him and puckers his lips.

Zayn gently pecks them and sits beside him soon after.

"Yes mom. Things really are good."

"Okay. Yeah no. He hasn't contacted me since my birthday. I don't really want to talk to him. Mom, he's a piece of- I get it but he's hasn't really been much of a father. Mom! Okay I'll call him soon. Love you too. Bye." Harry finally ended the phone call with his mother.

He sighs loudly as he flops the rest of his body onto the bed.

Zayn frowns and plays with Harry's hair.

"What's wrong babe?"

"My dad." Harry voiced.

"What about him?"

"He's not really much of a fucking father. My mom tries to give him the benefit of the doubt but honestly, he's pretty shit. I rarely see him and he doesn't really call me. He's a piece of shit who left my mom when I was just barely one and I hate him. He has other fucking kids he cares for but the world doesn't even know we exist. I don't even think his wife and children know."

"I'm sorry babe."

"It's not your fault. It's just, the man doesn't deserve all the fame he's gotten over the years. He's not this saint everyone pays him out to be."

"What does he do? Is he a musician?"

"Actor. Hugh Grant."

"Love Actually Hugh Grant?"

Harry nods.

"Babe, you love that movie!"

"I know!"

"Is that why you told me it's one of your favorite rom-coms but it's extremely hard to watch?"

Harry nods.

"I'm sorry babe. I wish there was something I could do to help."

"I can't seem to know why my mom is pushing me so hard to talk to him. She's never done that before."

Zayn grabs his cellphone and looked up Harry's dad.

He clicks on news and gasped at what he find.

"I might know why." Zayn hands him his phone and Harry frowns before looking down and reading it.

"This can't be right! My mom would never do a movie with him."

"Boo, your mom confirmed it on Instagram."

"Fuck! I need to call her."

"And tell her what?"

"I don't know."

"Harry, this is her job. I'm sure they both auditioned and got the part, knowing nothing of the other."

Harry sighs.

"I know, you're right. But that man has broke my moms heart so long ago she's afraid to give it to someone else. It just sucks."

Zayn rubs Harry's back gently.

"I understand babe. Maybe we should watch a movie? Get our minds off of it?"

Harry nods as he lies back in the bed and Zayn turns on the tv.

The two spent the rest of the day chilling in bed.

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