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Harry paces around his apartment as Zayn continues cooking dinner.

Zayn just chuckles at his boyfriend as turns around and grabs Harry's hand.

"Babe, you need to calm down. It's just your family."

"Exactly! It's my family. My mom raised Gem and I and had to play both Mom and Dad. She's sweet when she wants to be but when it comes to our relationship, especially mines, she's hard! She's gonna ask a lot of questions and she might not like you. I just want her to like you."

Zayn hugs Harry.

"Babe, whatever happens we're in it together, okay? If she doesn't like me I'll win her over somehow, someday. You don't need to worry your pretty little head over it."

Harry sighs.

"I just want her to love you. Even half as much as I do."

Zayn kisses the top of Harry's head.

"I'll make sure I'm nothing but charming darling," Zayn lifts up Harry's head.

"You hear me?!"

Harry nods.

Zayn hums before pecking Harry's lips.

"Set the table, darling?"

Harry hums before turning around to go set the table. He gasped when he felt a slap on his bum.

"Love you."

Harry blushes. "Love you back."
Once Gem and Nicole got there everything was done.

Zayn smiles at Harry's family and they greet each other with a handshake.

Harry bites his bottom lip nervously before they all head to the table and eat there dinner.

"Baby, if you would have told me you were dating Zayn I would have jumped in the air." Nicole states.

"Sorry mama. I just wanted you to find out yourself.

"Well I'm glad that you two are dating one another. Zayn's a lovely young man. Your moms talk about you all the time. I feel like I've known you forever."

"My parents talk about you a lot as well Miss Styles."

"Call me Nicole, darling."

Zayn just nods.

After a while Harry felt like he could finally let out a breath.

Zayn definitely killed it. He was his charming, lovable self. Both his sister and his mom were laughing and enjoying there time.

Zayn did an amazing job with dinner. The only think now is to tell them he's moving in with Zayn.

That's what's making him nervous again.

He didn't want them to change their view in Zayn because they're living together. Harry really needs for them to accept this new reality.

"Well, Zayn, dinner was delicious."

"Thank you so much Nicole."

"He's definitely a keeper H." Gem blurts.

Harry blushes when Zayn takes his hand and kisses the back of it.

"We're glad that you guys think so. Harry was a bit nervous introducing us. He was afraid you wouldn't like me."

"Normally we're extremely cautious when it comes to Harry's boyfriends. We just want the best for him. We see that you're really sweet and respectful when it comes to Harry."

Harry sighs.

"What's wrong baby? Is that not what you wanted to hear?" Nicole frowns.

"It's not that mama. I just- I have a bit of news."

"What's wrong bubby?"

Zayn and Harry both looks at one another before Zayn nods.

"You're okay right?"

"Yes mama. I'm okay. It's- Zayn asked me to move into his home back in New York and I- I said yes."

It got silent quickly.

Harry shakes his leg under the table. He was really nervous what they were gonna say next.

"Is that wise?"

"I know you're gonna say it's too soon but we really love one another. We fell so fast in so little time. I just- I love being with him. I want to wake up next to him every night and fall asleep with him by my side. I've- I've never felt this deeply about a person in my life. I can see a future with Zayn, a future I've never seen with any of the other men I've dated. I can see a wedding, a picket fence, and a litter of children. I'm ready for this mama. I just hope that you can accept it." Harry finishes.

Nicole walks over to Harry and grabs his face gently.

"Baby, it doesn't matter what I think, what matters is what you want. And from those words alone I can see that Zayn makes you happy. If you're ready for this very big step in your life, I'm ready for you."

Harry sighs in relief.


"You're my baby. I just want you to be happy."

"I am mom. I'm really, really, happy."

Zayn smiles, still holding Harry's hand.

"Well I'm by your side."

"Thank you mama."

"Whatever makes you happy kid brother, I'm here too!"

"Thank you both so much." Harry gets up to hug them both tightly.

"So, when do you leave?"

"Not for a little while. I'm trying to rent out this place first. It's really hard during this time."

Nicole hums.

"I'll try to help, see if I can find someone to show the apartment."

"Thanks mama."

"Do you need help packing?"

Harry shakes his head.

"Between Ari, Zayn, Selena, and Kenny, I think I'm fine for now. I'll let you know if anything changes."

"Okay baby. Call me before you go though?"

"I will."

"We should head out. I have to shoot tomorrow and your sister has a interview. I'm guessing you two aren't ready to tell the public?"

Both Zayn and Harry shake their heads.

"Alright. Your secrets safe with us. We love you Harry. And it was a pleasure to meet you again Zayn."

"Pleasures all mine."

"Bye mama. Bye Gem."

Gem and Nicole both wave goodbye to Harry and Zayn as they leave the apartment.

"That was perfect."

Harry jumps on Zayn.

"It sure was."
Harry's 6'0 in the story
Zayn's 6'6

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