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"You sure you guys have to leave right now?" Zayn frowns at his parents.

"Oh, prince. You know we have to fly back home. Your sisters probably miss us."

Zayn sighs. "I know. I just liked having the company. Now that Sel and Ari's gone along with my princess and Harry, I'm a bit lonely." Zayn states.

Sarah pouts as she kisses her sons cheek.

"Harry will be back darling. He just needed to pack his things and make some finishing touches with his apartment. You'll be fine."

Zayn knows she's right. He's just gotten use to people being over. Now that everything was opening up again he felt a bit lost. Normally this would excite him. Zayn loved being alone. He gets things done when he's alone.

In fact, that's how Zayn finished his first album. With people around he was always behind and couldn't figure out the perfect lyric to anything.

But now, being a father, and having Harry, things have changed. He loves being surrounded by the people he loves. It's his inspiration. Zayn doesn't know how he'll survive the next two weeks.

"Okay. You two be safe."

"We will baby. You get some rest. We love you." Holland kisses her sons cheek one last time.

Zayn nods.

"Love you." Zayn finally waves bye to his parents as he shuts the door and heads upstairs.

Zayn sighs before cutting on the television and seeing TMZ was on.

Zayn rolls his eyes before going to Netflix and starts watching Cold Case Files.

"Hurry home Harry." Zayn says to himself as he continues to watch a bit of tv.

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