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Zayn gently opens his eyes as he spots Harry reading with his glasses on beside him.

He smiles at this and puts his hands around his lap.

"Good morning Harry."

Harry looks down and smile.

"Good morning. Did you sleep good? Did I snore too loud for you?"

Zayn chuckles before shaking his head.

"No you didn't babes. It was actually the best sleep I had in a while without my Noë here with me."

Harry nods understandably.

"How old is she again?"

"She's gonna be five months next week." Zayn nods.

"Wow. She's so cute!"

"She is isn't she? When she was born I literally cried for hours. It was the most emotional thing to happen in my life. I fucking love that kid."

"I can tell. Your eyes light up every time you talk about her."

"She's really my light. She made me really want to be a better man. I cannot wait to have another."

Harry nods at that.

"I can't wait to have kids too. I always wanted to be a papa to someone that's half me you know? Kids are so precious."

"They are. Maybe soon we'll make some cute little babies." Zayn looks into his eyes seriously.

"Yeah, maybe."

The two broke out of their trance when they hear a loud knock in their door.

"Hey, you two decent in there?" They hear Selena's voice.

"Yeah, come in!"

Selena opens the door.

"Good! Your moms went out to go buy more groceries. Apparently this pandemic is only getting worse as the time goes by. More and more people are getting sent to the hospitals everyday as we speak. They're now making it mandatory to wear a mask when you go inside a store of any kind."

Harry and Zayn eyes widened.

"Wow. This is getting even more serious day by day."

Selena nods.

"They're actually not opening up flights until May. So I guess we'll be stuck here until then." Selena sighs.

"You act like you're not living your best life here." Zayn rolls his eyes.

"I am. For now! But when you two start having sex things will change. Your walls are unnecessarily thin." Selena makes a face.

Harry blushes at the thought.

"Selena! First of all, my walls are not thin. If they were I'd hear Ari and Dalton having phone sex. And I'm sure they do at least twice every night."

"Damn right we do!" Ariana jumps on Zayn's bed.

Zayn makes a face.

"And secondly, when we do start having sex you won't even know. How do you know we didn't last night?" Zayn jokes.

"Let's see. Because you're a corny ass and when you do have sex you always play that dumb ass sex playlist you have. I have no idea why. I mean, at least have good songs on there and not corny ones. Hey Daddy by Usher, really?" Selena blurts.

"And Harry has this weird afterglow every time. I can't explain it but it's like he's literally floating on air." Ariana explained.

Both Zayn and Harry look at one another shyly.

"Both of you get out!" Zayn rolls his eyes playfully at his best friends.

"Fine! You're on dishes."

"Whatever. Just go!"

Ariana and Selena walk out.

"Sorry about that?" Zayn apologizes.

"It's okay, and I'm sorry about Ari. I really don't have a weird glow."

"Guess we'll find out soon huh?" Zayn smirks before getting up and heading to the showers.

Meanwhile Harry eyes widened.

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