Tim Path

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Holy fuck this is the 200th part to this book. Hell yeah


Tim glanced at Bruce, silently telling him to back the hell off. "You should go with Tim, I'm sure the team will be itching to see you again after so long," Bruce suggested, unconsciously backing away. He could catch up with his ward at a later date. "That cool with you Tim?" Dick asked. He looked down at Tim who was trying to act as natural as possible. "I guess that would be fine," he responded, trying to sound nonchalant. "Don't quit the hero job for acting Timbo," Dick teased. He tussled Tim's hair lovingly being once again being elbowed in the side. They shared a smile and Dick silently sighed in relief in his mind. He wondered if his family were going to pander to him; treat him like a fragile object that needed to be treated with care.

"I think you went a little overboard," Connor commented, staring at the assortment of snacks. There must've been enough on the table to stock a small corner shop. "Considering we have Bart and Garfield in the same room together, I think she should've bought more," Jaime joked. He received two glares from the other side of the room, both belonging to said heroes. "We have our reasons!" He rolled his eyes before snatching a handful of popcorn from a bowl. 

"When's Tim coming?" Cass asked excitedly. They didn't get to spend a lot of time with him since Batman hogged him 24/7. "He texted me a few minutes ago that he might be delayed. Something about a visitor he's not seen in a while," Bart answered. He skimmed through the text when he got it since he was just about to lose a round of Mortal Combat. "I hope they don't keep him too long," M'gann replied, taking out a batch of cupcakes. She sure was better than when she first started. The team would eat most of her stuff out of kindness, especially Wally. Then again, Wally ate most things he could get his hands on.

The cold female voice of the Zetatube called out Tim's arrival. Two seconds later, it called out Dick's arrival. All their eyes widened in surprise and Bart instantly started dashing to the Zetatubes just to make sure he wasn't hearing things. He bumped into Dick, almost knocking him over with the amount of momentum he'd built up. "Where's the fire bud?" Dick asked, wheezing slightly. Bart stared at him. He hadn't seen Dick in so long that he felt like a stranger or a ghost. It was like the hero wasn't even real. Bart backed up a little before laughing nervously. "I thought I was hearing things," he laughed. Dick smiled at him whilst Tim shot the speedster a glare. He hadn't seen Dick in months and there was no way anyone else was going to hog him tonight. "Cass is gonna freak when she sees you two," Bart said.

"Really?" Dick asked, beginning to walk to the common room. "I would've thought Tim would be her main focus."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tim asked, noticing Dick's teasing tone. The older shrugged cryptically. "A lot of ladies want a piece of Tim or so I hear." Tim blushed bright red, causing Bart to burst out laughing. "Dude I didn't know you were a ladies man!" Bart teased.

"I'm not! Dick don't give him ideas," Tim exclaimed. Suddenly he'd really like for Dick to be hanging out with Bruce tonight.

When Dick entered the common room, he instantly gained everyone's attention. M'gann grinned the widest and practically jumped into his arms. "It's so good to see you!" she exclaimed.

"Nice to see you too," he responded, hugging her back. He thanked his lucky stars that she didn't make things awkward. The last time they saw one another he threw a smoke bomb at the floor and exhausted himself. They pulled apart and M'gann gave him a small frown. "You feel way too thin, when was the last time you ate?" M'gann asked.

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