So much for the worlds greatest detective

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College is keeping in the writer's block void please forgive me and have a lil sassy Robin

Batman couldn't believe his eyes when a young boy in a suit came to his rescue. Surely this child wasn't saving him from a hardened criminal. He was Batman for God's sake. This was a hit to the ego if there ever was one. The child did flips and kicks, seemingly winning the fight with ease. His punches were rather weak so he took the defensive route. Tony Zucco fell to the ground, wrapped in a tight rope from the boy's grappling hook. "Who are you?" Batman asked, picking his jaw up from the floor. The boy's attention moved towards him and a small smirk grew on his face. "I'm Robin. I'm new to the hero scene but it looks like I started just in time," he answered. He untied the ropes that held Batman and took a step back, his hand outstretched to the hero. "Nice to meet you Batman." Hesitantly, Batman shook his hand. Who was going to train this child hero? Did their parents know about him running the streets? What was he going to do with him? "This isn't a job for children," Batman told him sternly. He couldn't see the eyes behind the mask but Batman could tell Robin was rolling his eyes. He sure was sassy. "Neither is it a job for billionaires with a newly fostered child back home," Robin retorted. How could he possibly know that? Now Batman was at a loss. Should he bring Robin to the police? No, that could give him the motive to leak his identity to the world. That would put his ward and butler in much more danger than they needed. Should he just leave Robin to do his own thing? No, Robin might go after a big villain and get himself hurt or worse. It wasn't like he could just leave him wandering the streets either. He didn't know what the kid would do with information like that. Maybe he'd sell it to the highest bidder. "This isn't the place to speak openly. I'm taking you to the Batcave for questioning," Batman said. He tried to be as stern as he could but Robin wasn't fazed by it at all. "That's fine by me Batsy."

At the Batcave, Robin jumped out the car and looked around. "Who told you who I am?" he inquired. If some criminal had this information, there was no telling what would happen. Part of him was blaming Barry or Clark. They'd be the most likely to post a status and accidentally tag Bruce instead of Batman. "Nobody, I just know who you are. Do you know who I am?" Robin responded, taking a seat on Batman's desk. There was something teasing in his tone. Bruce shook his head dejectedly. Something about the young hero was so familiar yet he couldn't put his finger on it. "Tell you what, I'll tell you my ID if you train me to fight like you. I won't say a word about your ID to anyone," Robin said. The offer was a good one. Batman could keep his eye on him whilst training him and make sure that he wasn't punching above his weight. Although, he would have to cut down the amount of time he spent with Dick. The poor boy was losing out on so much nowadays. Then again, the League seemed more than happy to start being integrated into his life. Maybe Dick could spend more time with someone like Diana or Oliver. This could work out in his favour. It's not like he could always be with Dick anyway. He had his work and being Batman. He was sure his fellow heroes would be more than happy to play babysitter. Sure Alfred wouldn't be too happy about the idea but he'd warm up to it in time. He always did. "Alright, Robin. I'll train you to fight but you have to fight with me. No going off on your own." Robin grinned widely and nodded his head. 

"Sounds great to me," he responded. Batman sat down in the chair opposite the computer, ready to make a full mission report on the day and a new profile for his new partner. He'd never had a partner before. He was insistent on working alone at all times. He barely let the League get involved with his business and they had been heroes when Robin was in diapers. Yet the apprehensive feeling he got was drowned by excitement. Robin would be a great way to relate to his ward. They seemed to be the same age so he could see how every action he made would affect a boy of that age group. It was the perfect parent training that he desperately needed. Well almost perfect.

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