11th day of Christmas

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Imma do a cutesy one because I'm in the mood. Enjoy

Superman walked into his quarters in the Watchtower and saw a present box sitting on his bed. Naturally, he was confused by this and cautiously went to see who it was from. "To Superman. Merry Christmas. Love From R." he read aloud. The tag had been typed up so he couldn't recognise the handwriting. He opened it to find a brand new camera. A camera that he had constantly said he wanted but couldn't get due to the price tag. Now here it was and he had no idea who to thank. He walked out of his quarters and was immediately approached by Flash. "Did you get a present from R?" he asked. "I got a microscope I've been begging my department for," he explained. 

"I got that camera I always wanted. Have the others got one too?" Flash nodded. 

"This R guy isn't being spotted on any of the security cameras so we think they're a hero but nobody knows which."

They were interrupted by Red Hood and Red Robin. "Did you-"

"Get present to? Yeah." Flash interrupted. Red Robin looked so perplexed. 

"Whoever this is, they don't want to be caught. The presents don't have any evidence on them and I can't even trace the presents back because the barcodes aren't there." Red Robin informed them. "Mine has a serial number," Superman piped up. 

"So did my new gun but when we traced it, it didn't even exist." Red Hood added. 

"Were yours sent by R? Where did you find them?" 

"This R knows where we live because they were on our beds!" Red Robin answered, getting worried. "Well, this guy must be a hero because there's no chemicals or anything even remotely dangerous found on these presents," Flash commented. They thought for a moment. 

"I'm sending a survey around to find out who hasn't got a present," Red Robin announced, typing something up. "Hopefully we can locate this R guy and see if they're actually a hero."

After an hour, the survey came back. Nearly everyone had gotten a present and even Iris, as well as Louis, called their partners to tell them about the presents. The only ones who hadn't received a present were Batman, Robin, Agent A and Nightwing. "It can't be Nightwing, he hasn't got the money for this," Red Hood told them.

"Can't be Robin or Agent A because we would've seen them and Robin isn't exactly the giving type." 

"Then it's Batman!" Flash proclaimed proudly. 

"Batman has never gotten us a gift before," Superman reminded the speedster.

"Did Young Justice and the Teen Titans get them?" Red Hood asked. Red Robin nodded. 

"Wait, Robin and Batman have just sent in theirs. They've got their presents." Red Robin announced. "Well, we could wait in Wayne Manor. Nightwing and Agent A live there now right?" Flash said. The Bat Boys nodded. Nightwing had fallen on hard times lately and had asked to live there whilst he sorted himself out. 

They went with Barry's idea and waited in the Batcave, constantly checking the surveillance camera's. "What're you guys doing?" Dick asked with a smile. 

"Waiting for R. We have to know who they are," Tim answered. 

"Maybe they don't want to be found out and they're just being nice?" he suggested. They all scoffed. "This could be a dangerous criminal Dickie-bird. Let us know if you see anyone, will ya?" Jason told him. He nodded and went upstairs. "That was a little weird," Clark stated. 

"It's Dick, he's more than a little weird," Jason retorted. Clark shrugged his shoulder and got back to watching the cameras. Ten minutes went by without anything until the camera outside of Alfred's room went to static. "There!" Tim yelled. They looked up and instantly ran to the room, excited to know who it was. 

Once there, Barry burst down the door to see Dick putting a present on Alfred's bed. "Dick?" they exclaimed. He turned around and blushed a little. "Hi," he greeted, laughing. 

"But how? You're broke?" Jason questioned. 

"Well, this year I got a big bonus for my work on the force and I got slightly carried away. I wanted Damian's Christmas to be great and then I wanted Tim's to be and I think you know what happened next," he informed them. 

"But your bonus couldn't afford all this," Barry pointed out. 

"When that ran out I sorta started selling some stuff in my apartment until I only had a mattress, a fridge and a microwave. That's why I came to live here for a bit so I could get some money to get all my stuff back." There was an element of guilt in their hearts. He'd really put his heart and soul into making Christmas great for everyone but he forgot about himself. They hadn't even got him a present this year. They just got him cards. "Why were you so secretive about it?" Clark asked. "Because I knew that you guys wouldn't accept the gifts if you knew I had bought them. You would've started asking questions and I just wanted you guys to have a great Christmas without worrying about what I did. You did like them, didn't you?" he replied putting his pointer fingers together and looking away slightly. Tim hugged him with a grin. "I know I did," he stated. The others nodded their heads in agreement. "Then that's all that matters," Dick said as Tim pulled away. "But your Christmas is ruined now," Jason said.

"Nope, I get to spend it with all my brothers for once." They didn't feel satisfied with that answer.  "I gotta go to their graves and put some flowers on them. I'll be back later okay?" he asked walking out the door. "Bye Dick," they all answered.

After Christmas, Dick decided to return home and sort out his life from there. He had enough to pay that month's rent which was good. If he was even a day late his landlord would kill him. As he stepped into his apartment, he noticed there wasn't just a mattress. Jason, Bruce, Damian and Tim were all moving bits of furniture around. Tim and Damian were shouting about where the TV looked best as Jason was putting up pictures of Dick with the family. Bruce was moving the couch a little and was telling off his two youngest for the shouting match. Alfred was dusting some of the tables and occasionally giving the boys a glare. "What are you guys doing?" Dick asked, grabbing all their attention. "We're giving you back your furniture," Damian told him simply.  "But why? You guys didn't even... Did you two tell them?" Dick asked looking at Jason and Tim. "Them and the whole League. We all pitched in to get your stuff back," Jason replied. Dick grinned at them and opened his arms for a hug. "Group hug?" he asked. Tim quickly accepted his offer whilst Bruce rolled his eyes and joined along with Alfred and Jason. "Damian, get your butt over here!" He reluctantly walked over and hugged them.

They all pulled away and saw that Dick had tears in his eyes. "You always were a crybaby," Jason teased. Dick laughed and wiped the tears away. "Hey! I'm not above hiding your cigarettes again," Dick replied.

"You did that! I couldn't find them for like a month! Why you little!" He lunged for Dick who quickly ducked and ran out the door laughing with an angry Jason following him. "Did he bring the gun?" Tim asked. There were a few gunshots downstairs. 

"Yes." Damian answered, running out the door with Tim hot on his heels. 

"Jason don't you dare shoot Dick with that gun!" Bruce yelled after them after running to them.

This left Alfred chuckling lightly as he fluffed another pillow. "Boys." he said through a chuckle.

I'm really happy with this story, for once, hope you liked it as much as I liked writing it. See you tomorrow!

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