Part 3

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When they appeared, they realised just how much chaos had been created due to Batman's absence. Robin instantly took the role of leader as he began to assess the situation as well as he could. "Flash and Superman, you two will be great as herding the civilians away from the float. Block of any ways you can," he ordered. Surprisingly, there was no retaliation from the pair. If Batman was training the kid then he should have enough know how to boss them around. The pair nodded then ran off into the screaming people. "Green Arrow, get to the rooftops and start shooting at the float. Take out any engines so it can't move. Black Canary cover him." They smiled to one another and began to make their way up the fire escapes of nearby buildings. "I'm with you then?" Wonder Woman asked, looking down at Robin. He grinned back at her. 

"That is if you can keep up," he teased. She scoffed at the notion until she looked back down and Robin had disappeared. 

Robin shot a grappling hook up at a building and pulled himself up. Wonder Woman was quick behind him, jumping from one balcony to the next. "I have to give it to you, you're quick on your feet," she admitted once she hauled herself onto the rooftop. 

"I have to be in this business," he responded, making her frown. She couldn't get over how candidly he spoke about what he did. To him defeating major villains was no more unusual than taking a math test. He pulled out a pair of binoculars and started counting all the good spots to attack. "What do we do now?" Wonder Woman questioned. Robin passed her the binoculars and pointed to a spot on the float with the least henchmen guarding it. "When the float passes us, we jump to that spot. I'll distract Scarecrow and Joker whilst you take out Penguin. Then you and I take them out. Sound good?" he answered. 

"What do we do about the fear gas?" He fiddled with his utility belt before pulling out a respirator. "This should filter the gas. I'll be fine without it, you, on the other hand, will need it," he said. She pocketed the small device without a second thought. "Ready Wonder Woman?"


With that, they jumped from the building and successfully landed on the spot. "Hey losers! Look who it is!" Robin announced, throwing a birderang at Scarecrow and Joker's heads. The pair turned to him as Wonder Woman fought through henchmen to get to Penguin. "Oh wonderful, it's our favourite little bird," Joker replied. His grin grew by an inch, sending an unwanted shiver up Robin's spine. "Joker take care of the nuisance," Scarecrow ordered. Robin frowned that he didn't get the other's full attention. He'd have to work a little harder, unfortunately. "Don't look so disappointed Robin, uncle J's gonna finish you off at home," the crazed clown assured him. Robin shivered again at the thought. "For now I'll just have to get you all tied up." He cackled and pulled out a small blade. It wouldn't cause much damage but boy it would hurt to be cut by it. "You can try!" Robin stated confidently. He threw a smoke pellet at the floor and attacked Joker under its grey vail.

Suddenly the float stopped thanks to a lucky arrow which gave Wonder Woman the upper-hand she needed to deliver a final knock out blow to Penguin. She glanced up at the heroes who made it possible, giving them a thumbs up. She turned back to Robin who was currently on Joker's shoulders. He had a busted lip and shallow cuts from Joker's weapon. His teeth were gritted as he caused the clown to fall back to the floor. As she went to help, a large crowd of henchmen blocked her way. Robin jumped up but was quickly pulled back down by his feet. "Now now, don't be rude," Joker scolded as he dragged Robin closer. A sense of sheer panic took over Robin and Wonder Woman caught a glimpse of it. Even under the domino masks, the widening of his eyes could be seen through the white slits. He clawed at the ground but he was all too quickly flipped onto his back and cold hands wrapped themselves around his throat. "Rudeness shall be punished the good ol' fashioned way. Through a little bit of violence." Crippling pressure was brought upon his throat. Robin's hands scratched at Joker's fingers but it was no use. Breathing was an ever harder task and the prospect of just shutting his eyes was all too tempting. 

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