You don't know his birthday?

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^when Dick says his own sound effects because he can. I'd do that if I was a hero

M'gann had been letting her mind wander when she came across a question she'd never thought of before. When was Robin's birthday? She didn't remember any conversation about it so it couldn't have gone by already. With curiosity fueling her determination, she searched the cave for either Robin or Wally. Both would know. She found Wally in the commons room and asked him. He fidgeted and looked askance. (HE'S PENNILESS HE'S FLYING BY THE SEAT OF HIS PANTS.) "It's better to forget about the subject green cheeks. Rob doesn't like his birthday so he never told anyone except Batman," he explained. She frowned at him. 

"Maybe he'll like it more if we throw him a birthday party." Wally sighed, knowing she wouldn't let this go. "Well he's missed almost five years of parties. Even if we don't get the right day, we're making up for lost time." And so it was decided. Wally informed the team that Robin would be away for two days due to a mission with Batman in another country. That gave them ample time to plan the party and buy the gifts. M'gann was on food, Kaldur and Connor on decorations with Wally and Artemis on gifts. They thought they could pull it off, keyword being thought.

Everything had been going to plan. The gifts were bought and nearly wrapped, some having to be re-wrapped as Wally valued speed over quality. The cake was only slightly burnt but you couldn't tell with the heaps of frosting on it. The decorations were a mismatch of Halloween and some old birthday supplies which would probably appeal to Robin more than anyone. The last thing they needed was the birthday boy. "Guys he's on his way now! Are we doing a surprise?" Wally announced. "Duh Baywatch, that's the best part," Artemis snapped. They quickly found hiding positions as the computer announced Robin's arrival.

Robin walked into the Mountain with slight disappointment. Normally he would face a warm welcome after coming back from a long mission but not this time. "Maybe they're all out or something," he thought to himself, keeping chipper. He made his way to the kitchen and flipped on the light switch. "Surprise!" his team screamed in unison. Sadly, he didn't jump but just stared at them in confusion. "What are you guys doing?" he asked.

"Celebrating your birthday," M'gann replied. He then saw the birthday cake and decorations. That's when his body started to shake. Images of past birthdays with his family shot past his eyes. He felt ill at seeing them as the images contorted into those from that night. "Robin? Are you alright?" Kaldur asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. Robin jumped at the sudden touch and moved away quickly. The team knew something was up just by that. Who jumps at that and not a bunch of people screaming surprise? "Robin, you do look much paler. Is there something wrong?" M'gann inquired. The words were stuck in his throat. 

"N-no, I'm fine," he lied. There was no point in it but he still felt the need to pretend. Something like this could let his identity slip. "Yeah, you're the embodiment of fine. Did we give you a heart attack or something?" Artemis asked in a slightly mocking tone to cover her worried one. She'd never seen him look this out of it. Robin fiddled with his hands. "You put a lot of effort into this and I can see that but-but I don't do birthdays for a reason," he tried to explain before he felt that burning sensation of unshed tears. "I know but you've missed out on them for five years dude." Wally reasoned. But the reasoning fell on deaf ears. 

"You look like you're about to pass out," Kaldur commented. Not moments later, Robin did just that.

M'gann screamed as well as did Artemis, whilst Connor caught him. "Did we kill him?" M'gann shrieked. Connor checked for a pulse and shook his head. "Should we call Batman?"

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