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What's up fuckers? I'm sorry for the lack of updates, if I've said it before then my bad but year 11 is a bitch. So you guys basically chose all of them and me, being the good person I am, took two and will be using the other concepts in later updates. Please note the team don't know the brothers except Wally and they're pretty friendly with him. Birdflash and hurt Dick ahead. Enjoy.

My mum thought Dick Grayson was the cousin of Supergirl, I disowned her immediately.


Night had fallen and it was time for the sleepover at Wayne Manor. The team Zetatubed into the Batcave, only to find that Red Hood was sitting at a monitor. Wally was happy to see the man he kinda idolized as a kid. Who wouldn't? Jason was and still is a badass. "Hi Jay, you seen Dick around?" Wally asked in a friendly tone. 

"Upstairs. He's excused from patrol tonight, make the most of it. Demon Spawn practically flipped with anger," Red Hood replied. The team were awkwardly standing behind Wally, having no idea how he knew Red Hood. Red Hood picked up on this and took off his mask. "I'm Jason Todd, Dick's older brother. Adopted of course. It's nice to finally meet the team, Dickie-bird didn't want the others and I to meet you funnily enough." he greeted.

"Is Dick with Tim or Damian?" Wally asked impatiently. "Both, split a couple of stitches trying to train today."

"He has stitches?" M'gann asked worriedly.

 "Of course, you saw the state he was in." Jason replied.

"He made it sound like he was fine earlier," Wally muttered angrily. Dick always did this. He got that he put up a front for the team but Wally was his boyfriend. Secret or not, he should've let him in on the situation.

"Far from fine. He had a dislocated wrist, fractured fingers and he lost a lot of blood," Jason explained, frowning at the thought of his little brother getting hurt. "That's awful!" M'gann shrieked. "It's the job." he replied, simply. "Anyways, he's in the kitchen. I'm sure Wally will get you there." Wally nodded and signaled for them to follow him upstairs.

"I can't believe he didn't tell me," Wally muttered. 

"It is quite worrying behavior," Kaldur added.

"He's supposed to tell me these things! It's like he has to hide the most stupid things for no reason," he said, ignoring the team's existence. "You sound like an angry boyfriend," Artemis commented. Wally immediately stopped and tried to brush it off. "Sh-shut up!" he protested, blushing faintly. They all raised an eyebrow. "You're not are you? Because you know my thoughts on gays," Artemis replied. He shuddered inwardly. Everyone knew that her views on the LGBT community weren't exactly accepting. To lose a friend of his would hurt him, it's partially why him and Dick didn't let them know about their relationship. That and Dick was already insecure about his sexuality, he couldn't bring Wally down with the bullying he received. "Of course not! We're strictly just friends, like I would go for him anyways," he defended. They shrugged and carried on to the kitchen.

Dick sat on a stool, listening to his brothers fight on whether him training whilst hurt was admirable or punishable. "Guys, how about we agree it's neither? The team will be here soon and their first impression can't be you two fighting," Dick interrupted. 

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